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1PW 8 unproductive with 'multiples' (was better in prior versions)

Community Member


Two issues with tags in 1PW8, that slow me down big time when setting up/ managing records

  • Tags | one cannot select multiple tags from one record to then paste in to the tags section from another. The ability to select multiple tags (even single tags) has been choked off in 1PW8 > no UX trophy on that one .... as one now has to add tags 'one-by-one' or mitigate with a text editor (prepare bulk entry with comma separators, copy into clipboard / past into 1PW8) > puuuh, real shame as this used to be so easy in the past.
  • Same for file attachments | One can only attach one file at a time when uploading into a record on 1PW8. Again, a productivity removal / time-waster introduced. In past versions one could select more than one file to upload to a record in a single transaction.

It all feels/ comes across very similar to UI/UX let-downs made in a different product called Evernote. Those guys have also removed a lot of mac-centric user<>UI interaction features when doing their re-write. I guess its to do with making the app universal across all platforms. Yet as the case with Evernote, you are now also compromising the mac user interface experience.

Happy to be proven wrong by yourselves re-introducing what you have removed in future. Until then, the score is 1Password 7 'One' : 1Password 8 'Zero'.

1Password Version: Not Provided
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OS Version: Not Provided
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • harikb
    Community Member

    I guess its to do with making the app universal across all platforms

    Came here to say my experience switch from 7 to 8 has been similarly bad. Too much, unnecessary change in UI. Please do not change things around again with 1Password 9. I understand the universal/electron-based app thing is a genie out of the bottle and we can't go back. But there should be a very high bar for you to change UI. Please have UI team spend time on making it faster / less freezes while unlocking / etc. UI is fine, theme is fine, color is fine, fonts are fine. In fact if I could revert back to 1Password 7, I would have,

  • Hi @LSONEPW and @harikb,

    Thanks for your feedback here. I'm sorry to hear your experience with 1Password 8 hasn't been as good as we would've hoped. We do have open feature requests for what you describe here so I'll add votes on behalf of both of you. While I can't make any promises, I can certainly understand how these are useful and would welcome their addition myself.

    If you have any questions or additional feedback, do let me know. 🙂

    ref: IDEA-I-1532
    ref: IDEA-I-1669

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  • Netpog
    Community Member

    @andrew.l_1P, thanks for those added votes. I do hope that you give priority to requests for features that were ALREADY in the product, but that were removed (without warning or documentation) from 1Password 8.

    As for multi-tagging in 1Password 8 for Mac: New users who want to organize their logins are in a tough spot. Especially refugees from LastPass, which did not support tags. (They maybe used LastPass folders for organization, but those were mapped into 1Password Vaults.)

    Please add me to the vote count, for that one!

  • Hi @Netpog,

    Thanks for your input! Rest assured we're highlighting any friction reported from users who already had existing workflows.

    If you're open to sharing more, I'd be happy to add your use case for the "multi-tagging" you mentioned. For example, do you find yourself frequently applying or removing multiple tags from multiple items?

    While I recognize there's still some untapped potential in tags, it is also possible to use vaults to organize your items: Use collections to create custom groups of vaults

    Let me know what you think. 🙂

  • Netpog
    Community Member

    Thanks, @andrew.l_1P. Personally, I most-frequently want to tag multiple items when reorganizing. (E.g. something like: "All those 'utility' items need to broken into 'telecom' versus 'house services'!") That's also when I'll want to remove tags from multiple items at once.

    But the use case I had in mind was the new user, freshly immigrated from LastPass, who wants to organize her 100's of items immediately upon starting up. Because she's a very organized soul.

    Turns out that, despite the stripped-down context menu in 1P8, she COULD have done so with drag and drop, except for the fact that tags are not visible in the left navbar, which is a BUG! (I can do it in 1P8 for PC, but I wrongly assumed that this was a Mac-specific deficiency.)

    Yes, you can fix the tag-invisibility problem with a setting. But most users don't drill into settings, and this is a very badly-chosen default value! Much better to display MORE information by default, and allow users to reduce what they see.

    She had no reason to believe that she had the ability to see those tags, let alone drag-drop onto them. Now, yes, I did send her links to the "Getting Started" page, which does mention dragging onto the tags. But that page fails to mention the need to change this obscure setting, so she assumed that this was yet another feature that was "except for 1Password 8".

    (PS: I was taught to include design bugs, such as poor choices of default settings, as fully cromulent rankable assignable bugs. So, yes, this is a BUG.)

  • Thanks for these details, @Netpog! I've filed two separate notes for our Product team, one to allow the removal of tags from multiple items simultaneously and the other to suggest making tags visible by default. I'll link to your post here in both.

    I appreciate all your feedback, let me know if you have any questions. 🙂

    ref: PB-30824965
    ref: PB-30825031

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