Share Private Vault possible?

Community Member

I'm using 1Password 8 for Mac and cannot find a way to share a private vault with someone. I read this post from 2019 but it seems it's for a previous version of 1P:

Note: I know how to create shared vaults. This is not what I am looking for.

Is 1P capable of sharing Private Vaults? If not, what workaround is there? Ultimately, I'd like to share by default every password I create with another person.

1Password Version: 1Password for Mac 8.9.8 (80908009)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOS 12.6.1
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hi there @projectguru

    In short, no – your Private vault will always remain private only to you. If you want to share its items with someone on an ongoing basis, you'll need 1Password Families, 1Password for Teams, or 1Password for Business.

    If you're already using a family account, you can move the items from your Private vault into the Shared vault: Move and copy items. For team or business accounts, you might have multiple shared vaults, so check with your admin which is best to use.

    Then, if you want to make sure that any new items you create go into the Shared vault, you can make a Collection using only that Shared vault: Use collections to create custom groups of vaults. Make sure that collection is chosen in the top-left corner of 1Password and any new items will always be saved into the Shared vault. If you need to access your Private vault, switch to All Accounts.

    Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like any further help. :)

    — Grey

  • KentTuransky
    Community Member

    I created a collection but how do I share a collection with my family? Is there a detailed way to share everything with a family member? Seems like this would be a common thing. For example Husband and Wife want to share vaults/collections with each other in case there is a death on either part.

  • @KentTuransky

    Collections are unique to each individual and cannot be shared. You can share vaults*, though. Details on that can be found here:

    Share passwords in 1Password Families

    • Except the Private/Personal vault, which cannot be shared.


  • KentTuransky
    Community Member

    Ok....So....can I create a new vault and share it out with my wife? Can I also make any new items I create go to the new vault instead of the private vault?

  • Catherine_F1P
    edited November 2022

    Hi @KentTuransky - if you have a 1Password membership, you can create a new shared vault for access by both yourself and your wife.

    You can also set it to be the default vault. Although it's not something we recommend as the default Private vault cannot be inadvertently deleted, whereas user created vaults can be.

    To make a user created vault the default vault - using the 1Password browser extension:

    1. Open your browser.
    2. Click the 1Password icon in your browser bar.
    3. Click the three horizontal lines next to "+ New Item". Click Settings, from the dropdown list.
    4. Click the box next to "Save new items in", and click the vault you'd like your new items to be saved in.

    Once you've done this, each new item you save using the 1Password browser extension will be saved to the vault you've chosen as default. Please note that if you use multiple browsers, you will need to change this setting on each of your browsers as the change isn't automatically synced.

    Hope that helps - Catherine 🙂

  • KentTuransky
    Community Member
    edited November 2022

    I will give this a try. Thank you.

  • @KentTuransky

    On behalf of Catherine you're very welcome, let us know if you run into any issues and we'll be happy to help further. 🙂


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