Browser Plugin Struggles with Multiple Chrome Profiles

Community Member
edited January 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

I regularly have two Chrome profiles running on my computer (work and personal), and I have the 1Password plugin installed in both of them. Anytime that I use the plugin in one profile, it opens the OTHER profile and opens a new tab telling me my session is expired, even though I am logged in in the profile where I'm using the plugin. Even when I switch back to the profile I was using, if I take another action it will switch me back again.

Is there something wrong with my configuration, or is this a bug where the plugin doesn't recognize multiple instances of the plugin running across profiles?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: 2.5.1
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser:_ Chrome


  • sbranchaw
    Community Member

    A specific workflow where this happens:

    1. I'm in my Personal Chrome profile (authenticated plugin). I am trying to login to a website and forgot my password.
    2. I fill out the Forgot Password form, and it sends the reset link to my email.
    3. I click the link in the email, it gives me the new password form and a recommended password from the 1Password plugin.
    4. I click the recommended password to fill it into the form, and suddenly I am switched to my Work Chrome profile and shown a tab that says "Your session has expired, please login to 1Password again."
    5. I switch back to my personal Chrome profile (ignoring the tab in my Work Chrome profile), and the Save New Login 1Password modal is showing over the Reset Password form.
  • Hey @sbranchaw,

    I'm sorry for the trouble, it sounds like you may be running into an issue we are currently investigating.

    Can you try the following steps on both browser profiles to re-sync your account with 1Password, and let me know if they help?

    1. Open your browser.
    2. Right-click the 1Password icon in the browser's toolbar and select "Settings".
    3. Under General, disable "Integrate with 1Password app".
    4. Under Accounts & Vaults, click the ( ⋮ ) three dots to sign out of your account. (This will be greyed out if "Integrate with 1Password app" is still enabled)
    5. Click "+ Sign in to a new account" to sign back in.

    Let us know how you get on.

    ref: dev/core/core#19097

  • sbranchaw
    Community Member

    I gave this a try, I followed these instructions on both browsers yesterday, and already this morning I had the same thing happen to me twice, so it doesn't seem to have resolved the issue.

  • Hey @sbranchaw,

    I'm sorry that these steps did not help, can you confirm if you have 2FA enabled for your 1Password account? If so, can you try the below to see if it improves things:

    1. Log in to with your account details. Use the following guide to turn off 2FA on your account:
    2. Turn on two-factor authentication for your 1Password account
    3. Right click on the 1Password icon in the browser's toolbar.
    4. Select Settings. Scroll down to the "Accounts & vaults" section, and sign out of your account there.
    5. On your page, let's re-enable the 2FA, as we closed in step 1 above.
    6. Back to the "Settings" page of 1Password in the browser (extension) in step 3, let's sign in to your account again under the "Account & vaults" section.
    7. Re-authenticate using your two-factor authentication method.
    8. Test things out with the browser extension.

    Apologies again for the disruption!

  • sbranchaw
    Community Member

    Hi @steph.giles , I think you left the actual instructions out of Step 1. I'm sure I could figure it out but I want to make sure I'm following the right troubleshooting steps.

  • I do apologise @sbranchaw it seems I forgot to add the link.

    Here are the steps from the guide to turn off 2FA:

    1. Sign in to your account on
    2. Click your name in the top right and choose My Profile.
    3. Click More Actions > Manage Two-Factor Authentication.
    4. Click Turn Off Two-Factor Authentication, then enter your account password.

    As for step 5 listed above, here's how to re enable 2FA:

    I hope this helps!

  • atwixtor
    Community Member

    I am experiencing the same exact issue. Thanks for filing this @sbranchaw .

    I have 5 profiles i switch between, and as SOON as I switch to a different profile (a profile that was not open in any window before), all other browser windows in different profiles start repeated spawning the "1Password Expired" page (multiple tabs, over time).

  • Hey @atwixtor,

    I'm sorry for the trouble, have you given the steps above a try?

    Let me know how you get on!

  • atwixtor
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    @steph.giles I just performed those steps (re-enabling 2FA) and the moment I did that I was kicked out of all 4 chrome profiles. As I signed back into each the profiles in Chrome, the other 3 profiles would then get kicked out. I continued this re-sign-in process until I stopped getting kicked out (1x for each profile) and right now things seem OK. I will report back after a couple days. Fingers crossed.

    FYI, I have "Integrate with 1Password App" options enabled in all 4 Chrome profiles.

  • Thank you for the update @atwixtor, I'm sorry for the hassle.

    Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.

  • atwixtor
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    Hi @steph.giles - when I opened my laptop this morning and used the DESKTOP app, I was asked to use touch ID to unlock 1P. As soon as it was unlocked, ALL my browser profiles popped - a new tab was opened in all of them simultaneously that my session expired.

  • Hey @atwixtor,

    I think at this point it would be useful if we could take a closer look at some logs and what may be going wrong.

    I'd like to ask you to send over a console log from your browser as well as a diagnostics report:

    Please attach the reports to an email message addressed to with a link to this thread.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • atwixtor
    Community Member

    Hi @steph.giles -- sent.

  • atwixtor
    Community Member

    Hi - I heard back from support and they have informed me this is a known issue and currently has no workaround.

    This has gotten so bad, that I've had to remove the extension from all my Chrome profiles.

    Yesterday, when I had to re-authenticate one of my 2 vaults on my desktop app, all browser suddenly started infinitely opening new 1Password session expired tabs. It almost crashed my computer:

  • @atwixtor, I'm so sorry for the disruption.

    Can you possibly provide me with the Support ID number so I can take a look?

  • atwixtor
    Community Member

    Support ID: [#EIY-92661-853]

This discussion has been closed.