How do I unshare my vault/Lock out timer

Community Member

I'm Lost! I'm new to 1Password. I created my vault and set it up to share it with my wife, figuring she would have access to it if she needed to, but what is happening is that when she goes to a site that requires a password, both her and my password options appear. So, I need to unshare my vault so when she goes to a site it will only offer her passwords from her vault.

Also, it seems that since I don't shut down my computer every night, I don't have to re-log in regularly, but since she does shut down hers each night, she needs to log in each morning. Can the system be set up so that as long as you don't shut down your browser, 1Password will stay unlocked?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
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Referrer: forum-search:How do I unshare my vault


  • Hello @mrempel! 👋

    Welcome to 1Password! If you've shared a vault with your wife and you'd like to revoke her access to that vault then please use the steps in this guide: Create and share vaults

    Also, it seems that since I don't shut down my computer every night, I don't have to re-log in regularly, but since she does shut down hers each night, she needs to log in each morning. Can the system be set up so that as long as you don't shut down your browser, 1Password will stay unlocked?

    1Password does need to be unlocked after you restart your computer. If possible, I'd recommend that your wife enable biometric unlock so that it's easier to unlock 1Password in the future:


  • mrempel
    Community Member

    I'm trying to follow the instructions you sent, but I'm not sure I'm doing this right. Attached are two images. One shows the vaults on my computer MR is me, KR is my wife. The other image shows something similar to the instructions you sent. If I uncheck those permissions on the items after my name, will that remove the access my wife has to my vault so my passwords won't show up on her computer anymore or does that remove my access to edit my vault?

  • @mrempel

    Thank you for the reply. It looks like you have a "Private" vault (this is the vault that contains items that only you can see and can't be shared with anyone else) and you also have a second vault called "Michael" that you're sharing with your wife. You can remove your wife's access to the "Michael" vault by following these steps:

    1. Log in to your 1Password account on (in the browser, not the app).
    2. Click on the gear wheel underneath the "Michael" vault.
    3. Click on the gear wheel next to your wife's name and then click Remove from Vault.

    Let me know if that helps. 🙂


  • mrempel
    Community Member

    I don't have that option!

  • @mrempel

    Ah, I'm sorry for misunderstanding. Each 1Password Families membership comes with a "Shared" vault whose items anyone in the family can see and it looks like you renamed that shared vault to "Michael". You can't edit the permissions of the default Shared vault and I recommend that you move the items that you placed in the "Michael" vault to your "Private" vault: Move and copy items

    After that you can click on Edit Details underneath the Michael vault to rename it back to "Shared".


  • mrempel
    Community Member

    As many times as I've tried over the past few days, I am still unable to select multiple passwords from a vault. I ended up going to the Private vault and just re-importing the passwords from the file I had (since there were 330), then I just deleted the Shared one called Michael. I hope that isn't an issue.

  • @mrempel

    To select multiple items you'll need to use one of the apps rather than in the browser: Download 1Password

    It sounds like you were able to resolve the issue in the end which I'm happy to hear. Let me know if there's anything else that we can help with. 🙂


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