Show items with no tags

Community Member

Hi, is there a way to show items with no tags, so they can easily be tagged if required?


1Password Version: 8.9.12
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 13.1 (22C65)
Browser:_ Safari


  • Hi @Andy1P

    Yes. Search for =untagged: and you'll see all items with no tag. There are other search operators you can use too:

    Search 1Password to find what you need # Search filters

    Hope that helps! :)

    — Grey

  • OneMrEd
    Community Member

    @Andy1P thanks. I had the same question also. This only works in the app and not the web version, correct?

  • @OneMrEd

    That's correct, the steps that Grey posted are for the app. You can download the 1Password 8 app here: Download 1Password

    I hope that helps! 🙂


  • OneMrEd
    Community Member

    Thanks for confirming

  • You're most welcome.

  • Andy1P
    Community Member
    edited January 2023

    Thanks everyone - being pedantic, and wanting to maximise the functionality, what does adding the : do? =untagged gives me 436 results and =untagged: gives me 318 results

  • andrew.l_1P
    edited January 2023

    Hi @Andy1P,

    Good catch, just tried it myself and =untagged: seems to be searching for untagged items that also contain a :. I suspect this is a bug so I'll take it to the team for some additional investigation. In the meantime =untagged seems to serve the initial purpose of identifying items without any tags.

    Thanks for surfacing this!

    ref: dev/core/core#19626

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