The toolbar icon for 1Password for Safari is 'blank'

I use the 1Password for Safari extension. Recently, I noticed that the icon had disappeared from the Safari toolbar. I checked to be sure the Extension was 'checked' - it was. I deleted and reloaded the Extension. I restarted Safari - all with no luck. Then, as I hovered over an empty are in the toolbar, a grey, empty icon box appeared. It was 1Password! It work when I clicked on it. But even after using it, the icon remains invisible. So, things work BUT can it be made visible?

1Password Version: 8.9.15
Extension Version: 2.6.0
OS Version: macOS 11.7.3 (Big Sur)
Browser:_ Safari 16.3
Referrer: forum-search:icon in 1password for safari


  • ag_tommy
    edited February 2023


    The trouble is under investigation. My apologies you encountered it. This has only happened to users on 11.7.3 so this would seem like an OS issue. If you search you'll find several topics on the matter. This is not exclusive to 1Password.

    ref: dev/core/core#19719

  • db1pw
    Community Member

    Thanks. The topics I found at Apple didn't seem to address my problem specifically. I'm stuck with macOS 11.7.3. This machine (a MacBook) is from 2014 and Big Sur is the 'final' OS for it. This issue is annoying but not a showstopper. The icon appears in Firefox and Chrome just as it should. Hopefully, the icon will reappear in Safari as mysteriously as it appeared.

  • Searching the Apple communities can be hit and miss for me too. Try this one I found We have an open tracker on our end for this. I have added your report to it.

  • albertoornaghi
    Community Member

    I have the same issue (11.7.3). the 1password extension is working but the icon is blank. it must be something related to the 1p extension since all my other extensions (Adblock and Ghostery) are displayed correctly. I've tried uninstalling the extension and reinstall it but with no luck.
    the linked apple discussion seems to be related to favicon of the tabs not the icons in the toolbar.

  • @albertoornaghi,

    Thank you for providing this insight, I'm sorry for the disruption.

    I have added you to our affected users, I hope we can resolve this soon.

    In the meantime, let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

  • gothick
    Community Member

    Just chipping in—I just updated to Big Sur 11.7.3 and Safari 16.3 and my 1Password extension icon is also invisible, but so are my Super Agent and Homecoming for Mastodon extension icons. However, other extension icons such as Ad Block Plus, DevonThink and Downie are perfectly visible, just as they were before. Perhaps there's some strange interaction between 11.7.3 and icons with particular properties? Odd!

  • @gothick

    I'll get you added to out affected user list as well. I'm sorry you've found yourself in this situation.

  • BigStef
    Community Member
    edited February 2023

    Hi there,
    Mac OS Big Sur 11.7.3 / Safari 16.3
    No more icon in the toolbar for 1Password or G App Launcher (this is the 2 extensions I use on Safari) but they work (just guess which one is 1password and which one is G App Launcher each time I want to use them ! )
    I Searched at Apple support but did not find anything relevant. I came here in case you had an advice :)

  • Hi @BigStef,

    It appears at this time that the issue is not exclusive to 1Password. To access 1Password without having to click and find which extension is which, you can try using the keyboard shortcut Shift+Command+X to open and close the 1Password extension in your browser.

    I hope this makes things a bit easier. In the meantime, I've added you to the list of affected users.

  • BigStef
    Community Member

    Hi @david.m_1P ,
    I don't even know why I did not think at that by myself :)
    Thanks for the trick and your fast answer!

  • workingclasshero
    Community Member

    I have this issue as well, and running on a 2015 MaccBook on Big Sur and Safari 16.3. Some third-party extensions (including 1Password) became blank recently, but others (as you can see on screenshot below) are still displayed normally. This means there is something, as an earlier poster said, that prevents some but not all third-party extensions from interacting properly with that particular Safari version.

  • Hey @workingclasshero,

    I'm sorry that you are running into this issue, I have added you to our list of affected users.

    At this stage, here are a couple workarounds I can offer:

    • Press the Cmd + Shift + X shortcut on your keyboard to open the 1Password extension popup.
    • While the 1Password icon cannot be seen on the Safari toolbar, it can still be clicked on. If you hover your mouse in Safari's toolbar you can see "1Password" show up where the icon should be (as you noted in your earlier screenshot), and you can click to open the extension.

    I realize these workarounds aren't ideal, and I'm sorry for any interruption in your workflow caused by this.

  • BigStef
    Community Member

    Hi there, just to let you know that after an update Safari to V 16.3.1, all icons are back in my toolbar.
    Thanks for all your time spent here 1P team :)

  • gothick
    Community Member

    Yup, confirmed fixed for me in 16.3.1, too.

  • Hey @BigStef, @gothick,

    That's great, thank you for sharing!

    Let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

This discussion has been closed.