Problems saving updated passwords in Safari

Community Member
edited February 2023 in 1Password in the Browser

Updating passwords in Safari used to work flawlessly, but I now have problems with the updates. The dialog box pops up and asks me if I want to save the new password, I say yes, and 1Password freezes the web page and says updating password but it never completes. I have to copy the password to another location, manually update my entry, and then click on Cancel to regain access to the web page.

1Password Version: 8.9.15
Extension Version: 2.6.0
OS Version: 13.2 (22D49)
Browser:_ Safari


  • @Airbusky

    Something is amiss for sure. Let's get you over to my colleagues in email support. Please email us using Be sure to use the email address tied to the account in question.

    Prior to doing that can you try the following steps? That way you can include the outcome in your submission.

    1. Turn off - 1Password > Preferences (Settings) > Browser: Connect with 1Password in the browser
    2. Right-click on the browser toolbar icon, selecting Settings (General Tab) and then disable Integrate with 1Password app.
    3. Quit the browser completely! A full quit, not a close or minimize to the dock.
    4. Quit 1Password. While looking at the main window (locked or unlocked)
      • Press Command and Q 1Password should lock and close.
    5. Wait a few seconds and then open 1Password from the Dock or the Applications folder and unlock.
    6. Turn On - 1Password > Preferences (Settings) > Browser: Connect with 1Password in the browser
    7. Open your browser.
    8. Right-click on the browser toolbar icon, selecting Settings (General Tab) and then enable Integrate with 1Password app.
  • Airbusky
    Community Member

    Thank you, Tommy... following these steps fixed the problem. I returned to the website where I had the issue this morning and changed the password again. All normal.

  • Thanks for sharing the good news Airbusky.

  • tkunze
    Community Member

    Same here. Has been driving me nuts for weeks. Maybe good idea to implement some analytics around this for AgileBits and a message for users?

  • steph.giles
    edited February 2023

    Hey @tkunze,

    I'm sorry for the trouble. This is a known issue that our developers are investigating. Are you still having difficulty when saving a password?

  • tkunze
    Community Member

    Nope, followed ag_tommy's steps and all good so far. Thanks!

  • Thank you for the update @tkunze.

    Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.

This discussion has been closed.