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1P folders obsolete?

Community Member

Prior to moving to a 1 P subscription, I ran legacy 1P with Dropbox sync. I am fairly certain that these two 1P folders within my dropbox folder go back to that legacy 1P install, and thus are obsolete and can be deleted.

But, before acting on this assumption, I would like to verify here that I can, indeed, safely delete those folders.

1Password Version: 8.10
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 12.6.2
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • Hi there @camner

    If you can see everything you're expecting by signing in to, then yes, you can safely remove those Dropbox folders. :)

    — Grey

  • camner
    Community Member


    Also in my Dropbox folder is an Apps folder which contains a PDF called "1Password Emergency Kit."

    Is that also obsolete?

  • @camner

    Your Emergency Kit contains the sign-in details for your 1Password account. Depending on how old it is, it might be out of date. I would suggest getting a new one by signing in to, going to My Profile from the menu in the top-right, then click Save Emergency Kit, like this:

    Then, when you've downloaded a current one (just to be sure), you can delete the old one. We recommend printing your Emergency Kit, handwriting your account password on it, and keeping it in a safe place, along with your passport, will, financial documents, or similar things.

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