Error: "Unable to save item." when saving a new password in the browser



  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jgerry, it's possible that your VPN is interfering with or re-routing 1Password's local communications. Could you tell us more about your VPN configurations? If you're more comfortable chatting with us privately via email, you can reach out to us

    With your email please include:

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks!

  • jgerry
    Community Member

    My VPN is a pretty generic (and old-ish) implementation, L2TP over IPSec, setup that routes all traffic through my work VPN server. So my IP definitely changes when I turn it on.

    I don't find it to be a critical issue, I just thought I would bring it up since I hadn't seen this mentioned.

  • KenEsq
    Community Member

    We're not using a VPN on our Chromebooks and the problem continues to occur. I would say that the information actually saves about 10% of the time.

  • Joy_1P
    1Password Alumni

    @jgerry If it's a work VPN, I would recommend reaching out to your company's IT team to see if they can help. Though you can get around the issue by turning off the VPN, I do want to let you know that's an option.

    @KenEsq just to check, have you emailed us with your extension console logs and diagnostics report? If not, please reproduce the behavior and send us those details. Here's a link to the post with guides on how to send all that over:

    We'll be able to look into the issue further once we get that diagnostics information. Let us know if you have any questions in the meantime.

  • jus10
    Community Member
    edited April 2023

    I'm having a similar problem on my iMac (Monterey 12.6.5, using Chrome). I'm also getting asked to reauthenticate 2FA every time I unlock 1P. It then gives me a message "unable to save your 2FA token".

  • steph.giles
    edited April 2023

    Hey @jus10,

    I'm sorry for the trouble. Can you let me know if the below steps improve things for you at all?

    1. Right click the 1Password icon in your browser toolbar and choose Settings.
    2. Under General, disable "Integrate with 1Password app".
    3. Under Accounts & Vaults, sign out of your account.
    4. Sign back into your account.
    5. Go back to General, and re-enable "Integrate with 1Password app". (If you don't have the 1Password app installed, you can skip step 5 and leave app integration disabled).

    Let me know how you get on!

  • jus10
    Community Member

    I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling and that seems to have fixed it. It was in the context of some other weird keychain behavior on this iMac so maybe that had something to do with it.

  • Thanks for the update and for sharing those details @jus10! Happy to hear that things appear to be resolved. If you encounter the issue again, please let us know.

  • jordanbeacham
    Community Member

    I have the same issue happening. I tried the fix above and it fixed it for one day. Now it's back to being broken again. So incredibly frustrating to have this happen nonstop. Between this and other issues, I am really regretting my switch from LastPass. Big bummer.

  • Hi @jordanbeacham,

    Since the issue is persisting for you after trying the fix, I'd like to ask if you can reproduce the behaviour and send over a console log from your device so that we can take a closer look:

    Please attach the log to an email message addressed to and please include the following:

    A link to this thread:
    Your forum username: jordanbeacham

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here. Thanks very much!

  • BECT
    Community Member

    Unable to save

    1Password in the browser 2.10.0
    20245, on BETA channel
    Chrome on chromebook

  • BECT
    Community Member

    Unable to save

    1Password in the browser 2.10.0
    20245, on BETA channel
    Chrome on chromebook

  • KenEsq
    Community Member
    edited May 2023

    This problem has gone on FAR too long! The unable to save problem occurs on all of our Chromebooks and is making 1Pass just painful to use.
    We have sent logs, tried all of the trouble shooting stuff and no relief. There are reports of the problem here, on reddit and on other web sites. Isn't it time someone at 1PASS gets a Chromebook and figures out how to fix the issue?
    We are new customers that subscribed to a family program...and now I find myself evaluating other solutions (Bitwarden).
    Please make a commitment to fix this problem.
    Version 112.0.5615.134 (Official Build) (64-bit) of Chrome.

    I am sorry if this seems harsh, but I am frustrated at the seeming lack of action/care on 1PASS' part. It's hard to believe this problem can't be replicated in your development/QA department. It's frustrating to have support people just throwing ideas out there for customers to try.

  • juulz
    Community Member

    I am having this problem also. I don't have a chromebook. It happens in Chrome, in Edge, on my phone, on my lappy, on my desktop... everywhere. Locking and unlocking "fixes" it for a day or so. I actually changed my password to something shorter as I got SO FRUSTRATED typing it in over and over. Perhaps you should talk to (or poach) a dev at Last Pass... they have their problems, but THIS one was never one of them... LOL.

    I doubt I'll renew if this never gets fixed.... sigh...

  • timbo505
    Community Member

    Hi, I have the same problem as @billcorn , namely I keep getting the error message "we weren't able to save your document". (see pic) I have tried the advice that @steph.giles offered (safari settings, logout etc) but it didn't help. I've read all the comments but some of them are beyond my humble understanding! Any advice? Thanks.

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