One password 7 is not recognizing my password I can't get in

Community Member
edited April 2023 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

Hi 1Password people: I am on one password seven it's been free to me since around 2011. I have the correct password really and it is not letting me get in on my iphone 13 I'm at my wits end. If I have to pay so be it- that's fine Can you please help me?

1Password Version: 7
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 16.4 iphone 13
Browser:_ Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:One password is not recognizing my password I can't get in


  • aliceheimsoth
    Community Member

    Hi 1Password people: I am on one password seven it's been free to me since around 2011. I have the correct password really and it is not letting me get in on my iphone 13 I'm at my wits end. If I have to pay so be it- that's fine Can you please help me?

  • Hello @aliceheimsoth! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're having trouble unlocking 1Password. I know how important it is to be able to access your items and we're here to help. As a start, can you try the suggestions in this article: If you forgot your 1Password account password or you can't unlock the app

    If that doesn't work then I recommend sending an email to so that our support team can take a look and advise further. After emailing in, you'll receive a reply from BitBot, our friendly robot assistant with a Support ID that looks something like [#ABC-12345-678]. Post that here, and I'll be able to locate your message and make sure it's gotten to the right place. 🙂


  • aliceheimsoth
    Community Member

    [#XEI-76452-568] is the number I got

    Looking forward to getting some help- be well, Alice

  • ag_tommy
    edited April 2023


    Please continue the discussion with our colleagues via email. With a direct line of communication open I'm going to close this in favor of the email exchange. This will help prevent duplication of efforts.

    ref: XEI-76452-568

This discussion has been closed.