Multiple OTP in single login

Community Member

For example i have an internal tool that uses otps, one for each of our envs and i wanted to keep them in one record.

The issue i run into is when i hit the hotkey and bring up the login item it only lets me copy 1 of the 3 entries.

1Password Version: Not Provided
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OS Version: Not Provided
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  • Dave_1P
    edited April 2023

    Hello @th3fallen! 👋

    Quick Access will allow you to easily copy the default TOTP code in a Login Item. Additional TOTP codes that you've added as custom fields won't show up. While I can't promise anything, I've let our developers know that this is something that you'd like to see added to Quick Access in the future.

    In the meantime, you can do the following:

    1. You can press Command-O to open the item in a new window and then copy the TOTP code from there.
    2. You can make a separate Login Item for each environment. You can still link the Login Items together: Link related items in 1Password

    I hope that helps! 🙂


    ref: PB-32233099

  • th3fallen
    Community Member

    you guys are always amazing! thanks works perfectly

  • I'm happy to help. 🙂


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