How do I restore a login that I just deleted?

Community Member

I would just create a new one but I cannot see the password in the trash.

1Password Version: 8.10.4
Extension Version: 2.9.0
OS Version: Mac 13.2.1
Browser:_ Safari
Referrer: forum-search:Hi, How do I restore a login I just deleted which is in the trash? Thanks


    Community Member

    What does "Body is required mean"?

  • Hi there @MERVIEW

    If you haven't already, check both the Archive and Recently Deleted sections at the bottom of the sidebar:


    In those sections, you'll find any items you Archived (with no time limit) or Deleted with the last 30 days. If you can't find what you're looking for in either of those sections, let me know as much as you can about how you deleted the item and I'll be able to help you further. :)

    — Grey

    Community Member

    Hi Grey,

    It was in the recently deleted. I figured out that I could click with 2 fingers and I brought up a box that had an option to restore it. Thanks for your response. Have a great weekend! Merview

  • I'm happy that you were able to restore the deleted item. 🙂


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