Edit vault - deleting entries

Community Member

Is there a way to tag & delete multiple entries in a vault? By accident when installing 1P on new MBA, I took recommendation to convert existing 1P 7 vault and all of my pwds' were duplicated - spent 2 hrs last night and finally gave up. The only way to delete an entry is to high light / edit / delete - are you kidding me? Plus you cannot tag multi entries and then delete - are you kiddying me? Using latest versions of Ventura and 1PW.

1Password Version: 8.10.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 13.3.1
Browser:_ Not Provided


  • @willybk33

    Select one entry in the center column (to be deleted) and then press and hold command key and then click the additional entires you wish to remove, one at a time. All selected entries will highlight. I would advise doing this in small groups of 10-15. There is or rather was a bug that limited to max selectable to 49. Be sure not to go above that. The right click and select archive or delete depending on your needs.

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