feature request: multiple password safes


We use 1password in conjunction with Dropbox here at work amongst our Operations team to store and share commonly used passwords to our systems. It works great.

In addition to the passwords we share amongst each other, we have our own unique usernames/passwords to other systems that we need to store somewhere that cannot be shared amongst the team.

Are there any plans to allow the concurrent use of multiple password safes in the same manner as Keepass? I appreciate that browser integration would be difficult but I would be happy enough to be able to select a password safe to work with at login or during regular use. For now we are using multiple products on our desktops; Keepass for personal password safes and 1password for team logins/passwords. Would be nice to just use 1password.

Are others facing the same challenge? If so, have you come up with any creative solutions?


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I think it's a great idea. I can't discuss future plans, but I will certainly pass your vote for this along to the developers. Thank you for your feedback!

    If we can be of further assistance in the meantime, please let us know. We are always here to help!

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