Why didn't attached files survive my "upgrade" from 1Password 7 to 8?

I converted from 1Password 7 to 8. When I opened version 8, some of my logins, secure notes and other categories had PDF files uploaded to them. For instance I had my auto insurance card uploaded in my login to my auto insurance carrier, in case I had to show it at a car rental company. So are these lost, did I do something wrong, any suggestions as to how to restore these embedded documents without going one by one through a couple hundred items?

1Password Version: converted from 1Password 7, version unknowable now
Extension Version: 8.10.7
OS Version: Mac OS Ventura 13.4
Browser:_ Firefox
Referrer: forum-search:Why didn't attached files survive my "upgrade" from 1Password 7 to 8?


  • Hi there @bmurr425

    That doesn't sound like things have gone to plan. Send us an email at support+forum@1password.com and you'll receive an auto-reply from 🤖 BitBot. It will contain a conversation number, which looks like [#ABC-12345-123] – post that here and I'll be able to make sure your message goes to the right team. I look forward to hearing from you. :)

    — Grey

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