Saving Passwords to Apple's KeyChain


I would like to save passwords to the Apple Keychain. Reading at Agilebits and in the Apple forums leads me to believe the default 1PW installation disables password storage in Apple's Keychain. How do I turn Apple Keychain password saving back on?

Before you ask - I want to start saving my passwords in Keychain because I find getting passwords from iOS app on my iPad into Safari is slow and tedious. I am expecting the Apply system will be simple, as I find the 1PW system when using Safari on my Macs.

Atlanta, GA


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    1Password has never disabled browsers' built-in password managers, but you may have disabled it yourself. To check, go to Preferences > AutoFill in Safari and look at the "User names and passwords" option. If you want Safari to save passwords, that option needs to be enabled.

    Please keep in mind that we have always recommended disabling your browser’s AutoFill feature for user names and passwords — though you can still keep it enabled for your Address Book card and other forms if that option exists — because it makes things both less confusing (“I thought I already saved that!”) and more secure (for more information on the security implications, try googling for ”browser password manager security”). But ultimately the choice is yours. :)

  • Gordon101
    Community Member

    Thanks khad - I notice your "title" is Social Choreographer -- my compliments on how well you dance around users. We really should be smarter.


  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Haha! You are plenty smart. But there is a certain fluidity to the movements I find myself making around the forums. At least I like to think so. :)

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