Login to two different people on 1password 8 on Windows

Community Member

Hi, my wife and I have a family account on 1password. We have separate accounts with separate logins. Is there an easy way to swap between her account and my account on the 1password app for Windows? I have found that I can log out and then re-login with her account or vice versa. But I am surprised there isn't an easier way to swap between the two accounts like how our Gmail accounts work.

For instance we are both logged in to Gmail at the same time we can swap between the two with just a password, we don't have to log out of the other account.

But in the 1password app I cannot link my wife's account to the app because "you cannot have two people from the same family account logged in at the same time" is the error I get from the app when I try. I would love it if we could swap more conveniently.

1Password Version: 8
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hey @golder, thanks for reaching out.

    This is the expected behavior as it is currently not possible to add multiple user accounts from the same 1Password Families account to the same 1Password app.

    One way to separate between users on the same computer is with separate Windows user accounts. Microsoft has a guide on how to set this up available here:

    An alternative if this is more of a one-off or infrequent use type thing might be to just use the web app - https://start.1password.com/

    Another alternative would be to setup multiple browser profiles. For instance if you use Chrome:

    Once you've installed 1Password on the new browser profile, you can disable the desktop app integration and it will work as a standalone application allowing you to add the other family account.

    How to disable desktop app integration:

    1. Right click the 1Password icon in your browser's toolbar.
    2. Select Settings.
    3. Under General settings > Disable Integrate with 1Password app
    4. Sign in to the other family account in the browser extension.

    Let me know if this helps or if you have any further questions.


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