Feature Request: Add support for longer OTP periods
Regarding: https://1password.community/discussion/112965/1password-doesnt-support-for-other-otp-periods
Bitwarden supports periods up to 1 week (maybe longer).
With the uptick in AI generated social engineering, we use a shared item OTP topo as a "Safe Word" or identity check. Currently we are implementing this using Bitwarden, I would prefer to use 1Password as the feature set is more complete and easier to use.
In these types of uses cases a longer period makes much more sense as a secondary identity check is not the same as login. In general, communication during an emergency situation could be delayed by many factors and 99 seconds is not ideal.
1Password Version: 8.10.16
Extension Version: (81016047)
OS Version: All
Browser: All
Hello @J_J! 👋
Thank you for the suggestion! That's a really cool use for one-time password with long periods.
While I can't make any promises, I've filed a feature request on your behalf to have the product team look into expanding the length of of TOTP codes. 🙂
ref: PB-35911583
ref: PB-359116600 -
Here is a example screenshot.