Feature Request: IP range support for 1password logins

Community Member

Hello there,

I've come across a feature that has been informally discussed a few times, but I'd like to formally propose it as a feature request.

At the company I work for, we manage several sites, each assigned a unique 10...* address with a /24 subnet. To enhance security, we use distinct passwords for each site, ensuring that site operators can access equipment on their respective sites without compromising the security of our other locations.

My suggestion is to introduce a feature in 1Password that allows users to store and manage these passwords by being able to type in an IP address range, or subnet, so one password entry can be shown for all the equipment within that IP range.

Here are previous discussions which cover the same suggestion ranging from 2021 - 2023


Your consideration of this feature would be greatly appreciated, as it would significantly streamline password management for ourselves and other users dealing with diverse network setups.

Thank you

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Thank you @Proski

    I've shared your thoughts with the team. Hopefully, this is something we can improve on.

    ref: PB-32424194