Macbook 1password requires a log in every time when setting says only every 2 weeks

Community Member
edited January 6 in Mac

My M2 macbook is requiring me to sign in to 1password every time I use it. In fact it just required me to enter my looong password to get my support id password after just using it minutes ago. This is tiring. It is setup in settings to use my touch pad (fingerprint) in between 2 week intervals of using a password. This used to work well but this new behavior has been going on for some time now (maybe latest version issue). I am not sure why this problem exists. I see someone else had the same issue but that discussion was closed. This issue persists.


1Password Version: 8.10.23
Extension Version: no idea how to check
OS Version: sonoma 14.2.1
Browser: Safari


  • Terri
    Community Member
    edited January 6

    Why does my macbook M2 require a password entry on every use? The require a pw entry every 2 weeks is set in settings. This used to work great, but now every single time I use 1pw it is asking for my loooong pw entry. Another entry on this is in this forum but locked.

    using latest 1pw code
    using latest macosx
    using safari (latest)


    1Password Version: 8.10.23
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: 14.2.1
    Browser: safari

  • @Terri

    Please continue the discussion we have going via email. I'm going to close this discussion to prevent duplication of efforts.

    ref: DRN-89233-318

This discussion has been closed.