Minor UI Bug - Autofill Button in Form Field Shows Popup Even When Suggestions Are Off

Super minor UI bug with the new 2.23.2(and .3) release.

I have "Offer to fill and save passwords" turned on, and "Show autofill suggestions when a form field is in focus" turned OFF. Settings screenshot:

In the previous extension versions, this meant that there was simply a 1P icon at the far-right of the form field entry box. It didn't give me any pop-ups or textual "noise" unless I clicked on it, so I was happy with that. In the 2.23.2 and .3 releases, it still behaves that way IF I'm on a site that has a login saved in 1P. However, if I DON'T have anything saved in 1P for that site, if that form field is in focus 1P now gives me a "We couldn't find anything" popup, despite me not touching the 1P icon at all.


Site with a saved login:

Site without a saved login:

In both cases, the form field was active, but I had not touched the 1P icon in any way whatsoever.

Since I have "show autofill suggestions" turned off, I feel it really shouldn't be automatically popping anything up. I didn't click on the icon, so I want it to honor suggestions being turned off. That should include not telling me there are no suggestions to offer.

Very minor bug of course, but yeah, I fuss about visual clutter and distracting popups. :) Particularly as plenty of sites will automatically activate the login form field even if you don't click on it, and a lot of sites have that field right on the homepage. That's how I noticed this, getting that popup on sites I had no intention of logging in to.

1Password Version: 8.10.30
Extension Version: 2.23.3
OS Version: Windows 10
Browser: Firefox 125.0.3


  • Mousit
    Community Member

    To add to this, I just noticed that when 1P is locked, it gives me a popup on any and all login form fields griping at me to unlock. I assume that's so it can give me suggestions. The suggestions that are supposed to be turned off. :)

  • Hello @Mousit! 👋

    Thank you for the report. The "We couldn't find anything" tooltip that you see is a replacement for a previous message that a lot of customers found to be intrusive because it was covering up parts of a website below the focused field. It looked like this:


    The new tooltip is designed to be less intrusive while still communicating that no suggestions have been found for a particular field. That being said, it was indeed possible to turn off the old "No items to show" prompt by turning off "Show autofill suggestions when a form field is in focus". I've done some testing and I confirm that this setting doesn't turn off either of the tooltips in your post. I've reported the issue to our development team so that they can investigate this further.

    For the time being, you can dismiss the tooltip either by pressing the esc key on your keyboard or by clicking on the 1Password icon that the tooltip is attached to.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    ref: dev/core/core#29528

  • Mousit
    Community Member

    @Dave_1P Hello!

    Yep, I figured they were just an updated look-and-feel for the old messages. I just felt they should still honor the "autofill suggestions off" setting in the same manner that the old messages did (i.e., by not saying anything at all). I've only just recently started having that form field button enabled at all, if you recall our chat from the last little UI bug I reported a couple months ago, but I've already found some times it's come in quite handy (especially in cases where a login pops up in a separate mini-browser window that doesn't show extension icons in the toolbar) so I don't really want to turn it off entirely.

    I did discover that esc trick to get them to go away, so that works for now. Thanks!

  • Thanks again for the report and I'm happy that the workaround gives you an option to dismiss the tooltip for now. 🙂


  • Mousit
    Community Member


    Sadly, today I ended up just turning off the "Offer to save and fill" entirely, no more 1P icon in form fields at all anymore. I did this because the newly released 1P in the Browser update (2.24.2) not only didn't fix the issue, but actually made it worse.

    Original issue:

    New issue with this latest update:

    It wasn't doing that second part before. Even more aggressively in my face, so now it's gone. Which is how I've operated for manymany years; I'd only turned on the formfill icon back in February. Guess that experiment didn't last long. :)

  • @Mousit

    Thanks for following up to let us know that you're experiencing this behaviour!

    I'm able to reproduce this when I first visit a page and immediately start typing in a field containing the 1Password inline menu. It required pressing the Esc key in order to close the menu in order to hide the suggestions. I've reported this behaviour to our development team for further investigation, and I apologize for any inconvenience.


    ref: dev/core/core#30317

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