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Password length

Community Member

Greetings. I'm curious how long people around here tend to make their passwords for vault items? I was going super long, like 32 characters, but saw elsewhere that that length can create trouble for you on sites which don't handle passwords that long, and that one could even get locked out of an account. So I've shortened considerably. Thanks.

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  • Hey @1AI

    I'm in camp "long password", just like you. Unless the site has special considerations, I go with 27 characters. I have a couple of sites that cap the password length at eight characters. I cry every time I have to use one site in particular. I always try to let 1Password automatically determine the best length by using password suggestions.

  • 1Al
    Community Member

    Howdy ag_tommy, and thanks for your input. I have one site which allows up to 30 characters, which is quite generous, I think. I'm using 16 characters for my vault items here, but I may bump that up a bit into the 20's. I just don't want to get caught in a glitchy sitch with some company's temperamental log-in set up.

  • Sounds like a plan. Nowadays I encounter sites like this (low password strength) less often but they still exist.

  • J_O_D
    Community Member

    Personally, I use random cca 32 chars passwords, unless the specific website has ridiculous, low length requirement - usually this site warns be before it's late but if not, I haven't found a site that would not allow me to reset the password via e-mail.

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