Tips - Masked fields - Answer to old question

Community Member

@PaulKumagai - 8 years ago you asked about masked fields.

I wanted to find a way to accomplish this too, and I've just found a way.
You can select the new field type "Secret Questions", which masks the answer to questions which you can modify.

So you can have a section for Secret Questions, and just have a single item in there, like PIN or CCV as the question, and the answer is free-text and masked.

The reason I would use such is to mitigate the risk of "shoulder-surfing", so when browsing or viewing entries in 1Password, doesn't expose PIN and other secure codes other than the already masked password.

Sure, you can also use the password field, but not sure if 1Password will think that's a password type and try and populate it onto forms.

The credit type entry in 1Password has multiple masked or semi-masked fields, but that's for the credit card template only I believe, as you don't have the option to choose such field types in standard entries.

I think the Secret Question method should meet our needs.
What do you think?

1Password Version: 8.10.36
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 11
Browser: Not Provided
