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Can anyone help unlock family accounts since all password changed?

Community Member
edited September 2024 in Memberships

We have a family account with 4 emails and yesterday changed to stronger passwords for all accounts. All new information and emergency kits are saved but today we cannot log into any of our accounts (via windows browsers or android apps). The message says: "We weren’t able to sign in to your account. Check your password and try again. If you were invited to 1Password by someone else, they can recover your account."
Have tried using the old passwords and that won't work. We can't recover accounts either so we're lost!
We updated all payment system passwords to auto-generated so if we don't get back into soon, this is going to make our lives very difficult.
I've sent off a request for support but have no idea how long that will take so if anyone can offer a solution, that would be great.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Chrome / windows 11 home


  • aliscardi
    Community Member

    I am using chrome on windows 11. We changed all passwords yesterday for our family account with 4 email addresses. I saved all emergency kits and checked that all 4 accounts could be accessed successfully. Today, we are locked out of all accounts and recover option is not working. Have tried logging in using the old and new password to no avail (on the browser and in the android apps). This is the message each account gets: "We weren’t able to sign in to your account. Check your password and try again.
    If you were invited to 1Password by someone else, they can recover your account" Please help!

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Chrome windows 11

  • @aliscardi

    I'm sorry we missed your post here in the community. It appears we resolved this via email. If you happen to need us please continue the email exchange you had with us.

    ref: GUU-17938-297