Credit card expiry date edit is broken

Community Member
edited September 2024 in 1Password 3 – 7 for Mac

I cannot edit anymore credit card expiry dates.

Steps to reproduce
1. Open 1Password
2. Create new credit card

Credit card expiry date is shown as 'll.yyyy' and cannot be edited, only year can be changed. 1Password crashed me on twice while I was trying to edit this field on existing and a new card.

1Password Version: 6.8.9
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS Sonoma 14.6.1
Browser: Not Provided


  • Hello @Mulleteer! 👋

    I'm sorry that you're unable to edit credit card numbers using 1Password 6 for Mac. 1Password 6 hasn't been updated for several years and is no longer supported. I recommend that you upgrade:

    If you already have a 1Password membership then the upgrade to 1Password 8 is included at no additional cost. Let me know if you still see the issue after upgrading. 🙂


  • Mulleteer
    Community Member

    I realized that iPassword 6 is obsolete so I upgraded to iPassword 8. Date editing works in this new version but it has an annoying glitch, it uses different date format for presentation than it uses for editing.

    1. Set some European (non-US date) format in MacOS Language & Region settings.
    2. In 1Password create a new identity. You can see edit box for e.g. date of birth is in US format: mm/dd/yyyy
    3. View the identity, the date is in local format (in my case where date and time are in different order to US format)

    Edit box should use same system date format as the viewing, like all the other programs do. Currently it's very easy to accidentally insert a wrong date.

  • @Mulleteer

    I'm sorry that the date format isn't being accurately reflected in 1Password 8. This is a known issue that our development team is looking into and I've added your report to the internal work item for the issue.

    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


    ref: dev/core/core#28051

  • Mulleteer
    Community Member

    Thank you for looking into this.

  • Thanks again for reporting the issue, hopefully it is fixed in a future update soon.
