The CCV field doesn't always fill when using the browser extension.

Community Member
edited October 2013 in Mac

I'm wondering what's up with the CCV not always being filled in automatically. For a purchase earlier today, it did fill in. For a purchase I made just now, it didn't.

Out of interest, I checked the HTML for the case where it didn't, and it looks like this:

<input autocomplete="on" class="ccv" id="ccv" maxlength="4" name="VerificationCode" spellcheck="false" type="text" value="">

That seems pretty obviously a CCV, so it seems odd to me that the browser extension wouldn't fill it in. What are the exact criteria?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @trejkaz,

    Our form-filling feature depends on forms being labelled in a standard way. The HTML you sent in does not include the <label>CVV</label> tag, which is one of the things that 1Password is looking for. If you would like us to investigate a bit further, please send along the websites where forms are not filling properly for you. :)

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