Windows 1Password + 1Password 4 for Mac

Hello Tell me how to organize a normal job? Or until that sit on a Mac at the 3 version?


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @ADMiNZ, I'm sorry that I don't understand the question. <:(

    What is a normal job, and in what way do you want to organize it?

    As for running the latest versions of 1Password for Windows and 1Password for Mac, just sync your data using Dropbox, as described in the 1Password user's guide for either platform (accessible from the Help menu and in the Support area of our web site). The only potential concern arises if you're using the Chrome browser on both platforms: if so, you have to disable Chrome's extension-sync'ing feature. We're working on a solution to that and apologize for the temporary inconvenience.

  • ADMiNZ
    Community Member

    You are not quite right. If you add a Windows folders and passwords. Mac then they do not show up! You need to disable synchronization with Drpbox then turn it on, and only if they appear! Is this normal?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the follow-up, @ADMiNZ.

    If I understand correctly, you have to disable and then re-enable Dropbox synchronization within 1Password for Mac—sort of "shake things up" a little—to get new 1Password items created on your PC to show up in 1Password on your Mac. Is that right?

    Do you have to do the same thing on your PC to get new 1Password items created on your Mac to show up in 1Password on your PC?

  • ADMiNZ
    Community Member

    No. On Windows, it's okay. Introduced in Mac passwords there appear immediately.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    So, new 1Password items created on your Mac are sync'ed to your PC, but new 1Password items created on your PC are not sync'ed to your Mac?

  • ADMiNZ
    Community Member

    I had version 4.0.5 Now I have noticed that there is already 4.0.8
    How to check it.

    I repeat that I had.

    Passwords are added in the windows do not appear in the Mac. We had to turn off synchronization Dropbox and connect again.

    Passwords are added to the Mac normally appear in the windows.

    Ie the problem was only in the Mac version.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the follow-up, @ADMiNZ. Do I understand correctly that the problem is resolved now?

  • Joelc
    Community Member

    Interesting thread as it addresses a number of my items.

    I am currently using 1Password 4 for Mac and am about install 1Password 3 for Windows. I would appreciate confirmation / correction to the following:

    1. Is my understanding correct that at present the only way to sync between 1Password4 for Mac and 1Password 3 for Windows is via Dropbox?

    2. Is the above noted issue regarding Chrome resolved as I use Chrome on both OS X and Windows 7?

    Assuming 1Password 4 for Windows does include sync capabilities via iCloud what are the pros and cons of using iCloud versus Dropbox.

    Thanks in advance,


  • ADMiNZ
    Community Member

    No. The problem remained. In the Mac does not appear passwords created in the windows. It is necessary to remove and restore dropbox synchronization.

    Just do not tell me how to look 1password4 passwords without tags? Since many passwords is done in the windows (and as you know all the windows there is no tag), I would like to add tags to these passwords. But I do not see them in a separate list "untagged" as previously

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    Is my understanding correct that at present the only way to sync between 1Password 4 for Mac and 1Password 3 for Windows is via Dropbox?

    No. Because 1Password 4 for Mac supports so-called "folder sync", it can sync to any folder, including a Google Drive or Microsoft SkyDrive folder. The same goes for 1Password for Windows.

    Is the above noted issue regarding Chrome resolved as I use Chrome on both OS X and Windows 7?

    There is no problem with Chrome provided Chrome Sync for your extensions is turned OFF.

    Assuming 1Password 4 for Windows does include sync capabilities via iCloud

    It does not. Apple does not provide an iCloud SDK for Windows. Until an iCloud SDK for Windows arrives (or until iCloud appears as a folder on your system, analog to how Dropbox is doing things), we cannot support iCloud on Windows.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @ADMiNZ, 1Password for Windows doesn't display tags, but it preserves tag metadata, so your tags will continue to work when sync'ed to other platforms in our product line.

    Thanks for letting us know that tags would be useful to you in 1Password for Windows, too. I hope we'll be able to add them to some future version.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @ADMiNZ, it sounds like you have to relaunch Dropbox sync'ing on the Mac to get 1Password for Mac to show you Logins you created in 1Password for Windows.

    Is that correct?

  • Joelc
    Community Member

    @SVONDUTCH and DBrown:

    Appreciate the response...I want to make sure I understand this before I attempt to set it up so that I am not frustrated so here goes:

    1. Am I correct that Passwords can be setup in in either OS X or Windows and that ADMINZ's issue is an issue with his setup rather than a limitation?

    2. Am I correct that 1 Password cannot sync over iCloud even with the iCloud Control Panel for Windows ( installed.

    3. As far as disabling Chromes' Sync your extension is concerned:

    a) How / where to I disable this feature.

    b) How / what does this do and what are the pros / cons of disabling it.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Joelc
    Community Member

    As far as item 3. in my above post is concerned I have done some more research and believe the answers to my questions to be:

    3a. If you don't sigh-in into Chrome that this is an issue (i.e. there is no setting to adjust). If you do sign into Chrome then the syncing of your extensions in done through advanced settings.

    3b. The "sync your extensions" simply syncs the extensions used in Chrome (i.e. 1Password is an example of an extension) regardless of which computer you are using that has a Chrome installed. Similar to 3a., this is only an issue to the extent that you do / do not "sign-into" or "use" Chrome and, if you do, then the extension will not be synced across computers / devices.

    Is my understanding correct and, if not, please correct it.



  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    Am I correct that Passwords can be setup in in either OS X or Windows and that ADMINZ's issue is an issue with his setup rather than a limitation?


    Am I correct that 1 Password cannot sync over iCloud even with the iCloud Control Panel for Windows ( installed.

    Correct. iCloud sync is available in 1Password for Mac and 1Password for iOS only.

    As far as disabling Chromes' Sync your extension is concerned: how / where to I disable this feature.

    1. Open Google Chrome.
    2. Click on the wrench icon, located in the top-right corner in the browser toolbar.
    3. Click on "Settings".
    4. If you see a "Sign in to Chrome" button, then Chrome Sync is already disabled.
    5. Click on "Advanced Sync Settings".
    6. In the "Advanced Sync Settings" pop-up window, select the drop down menu and select "Choose What To Sync".
    7. Uncheck "Extensions".
    8. Click on "OK".
  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @Joelc, it's also correct that extension-sync'ing is an issue only if you log into a Chrome account.

    The Chrome feature does what its name implies: it makes sure you're using the same versions of the same extensions on all computers where you're signed in to the same Chrome account. That's why it's bad for 1Password: the Mac version of the 1Password extension is different from the Windows version of the 1Password extension.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    the Mac version of the 1Password extension is different from the Windows version of the 1Password extension

    On Mac, we're running version 4 of the extension but on Windows we're running version 3 of the extension. Pretty soon, both platforms will be running version 4 of the extension and you can re-enable Chrome Sync.

  • Joelc
    Community Member

    Thanks, I think understand the situation and will give it a go!

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Great! Let us know if you have any questions.

  • Joelc
    Community Member

    Will do and thank you!

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Glad to help, @Joelc!

This discussion has been closed.