Update check happens on UI Thread


I noticed that the update check in 1P for Windows seems to be running on the UI thread. I can't cancel it (UI not responsive) and have to wait for the timeout (1 Minute or so) every time I start 1Password.

I guess this is a non issue for most people, because the update check should only happen once a week, and if you have a good internet connection this check should be fairly quick. However, I spend most of my time in China and the update server is inaccessible half the time -> on these occasions I have to wait one Minute every time I launch 1Password.

For the moment I turned off automatic updates which helps, but makes me a bit uneasy. I don't want to miss any important updates.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @CSchwang, I'm sorry you're having that problem.

    Every time you launch 1Password for Windows, it checks (internally, of course) whether it's time to check for an update, according to the frequency you specify in preferences—daily, weekly, or monthly. Only if it's time to check for an update does 1Password actually take the time to do that. The internal check takes virtually no time, so setting your preference to Monthly checks means that 1Password will try to connect to the update server only if it's been month since the last time it tried to connect to the update server, no matter how many times you've launched 1Password since that last attempt to connect.

    We can't help that the connection is slow for you, but choosing Monthly checks will mean you have to wait for it only once a month.

    I hope that helps.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2013

    @DBrown is correct: 1P will check for updates only once a week. However, if the check for updates fails for whatever reason (for example: Wi-Fi connection is not available at the time), then it will try again and again every time you re-launch 1P (until it does work).

    @CSchwang please enter your proxy info here: File > Preferences (Ctrl+P) > Network. If this does not fix your connection with the 1P update server, then please disable auto-updates altogether. You can manually check for the new versions here: https://agilebits.com/onepassword/win/release_notes

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the clarification, @svondutch! I learn something new every day. :)

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