How does syncing affect "keep extensions unlocked"?

I am using 1PW for Windows on Win7 Professional 64-bit desktop as well as on my Windows 7 laptop. I have been using the "keep extensions unlocked" options with my desktop computer. I'm looking into syncing via Dropbox, but I'm concerned about how the "keep extensions unlocked" options would work with syncing. In the User's Guide, it says "Unlocking your 1Password data in the extension for one browser also unlocks your 1Password data in the extensions for all the other 1Password-enabled browsers." Does this mean that if I sync 1PW and have "keep extensions unlocked" on my desktop, that that same option will then apply to 1PW my laptop as well?


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Good question, @ovejanegra!

    The two features are unrelated. Feel free to set up Dropbox sync'ing knowing that you can maintain the auto-lock policy that's appropriate for each machine.

    I should note, though, that the old "Keep extensions unlocked" option now applies only to Internet Explorer. We'll get the user's guide updated with the release of the next full version of 1Password for Windows, and we apologize for the confusion.

  • ovejanegra
    Community Member

    Thanks very much for your quick and helpful reply. I have been using (or thought I was using) "keep extensions unlocked" on Firefox 24, but although it did seem to keep me from having to supply the master password as often as before, I noticed that when I closed down the computer, I had to resupply the master password after rebooting. I assumed that that was just a limitation of the feature. So if I used Internet Explorer rather than Firefox, would 1PW stay unlocked even after shut down the computer?

    Also, just to be sure I have this right, if I were to use IE and sync via Dropbox, I could keep a much more restrictive locking policy on my laptop and use the "keep extensions unlocked" on the desktop? Does this apply to both IE 10 and IE 11? What is preventing "keep extensions unlocked" from working with Firefox?

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    No, you'll always have to unlock 1Password (and each extension) at least once.

    Sync'ing is completely unrelated to the auto-lock policy, regardless of which browser you use.

    The other supported browsers now use an extension (separate from the one used by IE) that is also used by 1Password on the Mac, where the "keep extensions unlocked" feature has never existed.

  • ovejanegra
    Community Member

    OK, I think I've got it. Thanks very much. I'm glad to know that the lock settings are separate from the syncing.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    OK. Let us know if you have any other questions.

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