Need a web page detailing version number of latest MAS, AgileStore, Beta and iOS versions

Community Member
edited November 2013 in Mac

Very many of the posts on the three 1P forums would be avoided if Agilebits had a single web page which spelled out the latest version number of the MAS version, the Agilebits Store version and the Beta, and the iOS version.

Perhaps a sticky link at top of each forum?

Needs to be very easy to find and updated hourly !


  • Everyone
    Community Member
  • mikebore
    Community Member
    edited November 2013

    Actually on that link you can click "show betas" and they are included.

    My point really is that they need to be in the same place, and I wasn't really thinking it would contain as much detail as the release notes. Adding MAS version to that page would do it. It is already number 2 on the stickied threads.

    EDIT I see that 4.0.5 is there as build 405001 and 405002. I know one is MAS and the other is Agile store, but it doesn't say which is which but the only way of telling is the small MAS icon next to 405001. Since no other versions have the small MAS icon next them it is possible to deduce that 4.0.5 is the latest MAS version.

    I agree the information I was asking for is all there, but not in quite the simple form I am hoping for and which I think would reduce the number of posts about versions.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mikebore,

    You make a good point: anything that we can do to clarify the situation current state of 1Password and help people find the info that they need without searching through pages of forum posts is very good thing.

    I'll be sure to pass along your thoughts on making the release notes a bit more clear, but in the meantime, I'm creating a new announcement and placing it at the top of the 1Password 4 for Mac forums. Hopefully this will help some people out - great idea!

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