WiFi Sync - Folders, Attachments, Tags Etc.

Community Member

Hi Guys

Just wanted to clarify something in case my assumptions are incorrect.

If I use WiFi sync between the Mac and iOS, is it the case that standard folders sync incorrectly and attachments do not sync at all?

Also, is there a roadmap to add Smart Folders and Tags to sync to iOS devices.

Thanks for your help.



  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Paul ( @PJ1 ),

    I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to you here but we have been a bit overwhelmed since the launch of 1Password 4 for Mac. We're all working hard and putting in extra hours to get back to our usual snappy responses and we really appreciate your patience.

    Folders should now be syncing properly across devices. Please make sure that you are updated to the latest version of 1Password 4 for iOS (4.3.2). If your folders are still not showing up properly, I'd like you to try adding a subfolder to an existing folder. This should refresh the view and get things synced up for you.

    You are correct though, attachments do not currently sync via Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, I can't say much about when this will be updated ... just as I can't say much about Smart Folders and Tags on iOS. These are all high on our developers' to do lists, but we just don't like making promises about unreleased features. There are too many factors that come into play here, and we'd hate to promise something that became impossible to live up to. We very much appreciate your patience here (I'm completely excited for these features to be released too, believe me!)

    I hope this helps, but if I can be of any further assistance, please let me know!

  • PJ1
    Community Member

    Hi Megan

    Thanks for taking the time to get back to me.

    I added a sub folder to the desktop app and it synced with iOS okay. Then deleted it and it worked again.

    However, what I am finding is that if I delete a login from a folder the iOS app retains it and does not recognise it has been deleted. Further to this, if I delete an attachment from the desktop app, it does not delete from the iOS app. For example, I had to delete some attachments from a login and add new ones. The iOS app added the new ones okay, but did not delete the old. I had to create a new login on the desktop, add the attachments and delete the 'old' login with the other attachments.

    At the moment I have the latest desktop app from the website and the latest version of the iOS app running on an iPhone 4S using Dropbox.

    I will play with this further over the Christmas and if it changes will get back to you. In the meantime, have a good and restful Christmas and New Year.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Paul ( @PJ1 ),

    Thanks for the kind words, I hope that you have been enjoying the holidays as well!

    We are currently tracking a bug where deleted attachments are not syncing properly. Right now the workaround is to recreate the entry without the attachment (as you did.) Hopefully we will have this sorted out soon!

    As far as the deleted items still showing on iOS - are you able to properly delete them using the iOS app? And if you delete an item on iOS, does the deletion sync properly over onto you Mac? Thanks for helping us to investigate this :)

  • PJ1
    Community Member

    Hi Megan

    Hope you had a good time too! Although, it doesn't seem you had much time away from here!!!

    Understand the attachments issue is being looked into, so will wait to see what happens there.

    Regarding the deleted items - logins etc., - I did some testing and all seems to be working as it should.

    I set up five different logins to see if I could recreate the problem but nothing. So that's good.

    For info purposes, as the particular problem arose with items contained in folders:

    1. Deleted login from iOS (item not contained in a folder) and it deleted the desktop item.
    2. Deleted login from iOS (item contained in folder) and it deleted the desktop item.
    3. Deleted login from desktop (item not contained in a folder) and it deleted the iOS item.
    4. Deleted login from desktop (item contained in folder) and it deleted the iOS item.
    5. Deleted login from desktop (item contained in folder and tagged) and it deleted the iOS item.

    So, it seems that all ways round things are now working well.

    Looking forward to the possibility of Smart Folders, Tags and Attachments syncing over WiFi at some stage. That would be good.

    If there's anything else you want me to look at with this, do let me know.

    Have a great New Year!


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Paul ( @PJ1 ),

    Happy New Year to you as well! The holidays have actually been a great opportunity to make some progress in these busy forums (but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to a nice long weekend sometime soon!) Thanks so much for doing that testing, I'm so glad to hear that all seems to be behaving well on your end :) If you do run into this glitch again, please let us know, and we'll do our best to get the attachments sorted out just as soon as possible.


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