1Password program is empty, Mozilla and Safari still have all data

Community Member
edited March 2014 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I tried to get Dropbox running for 1PasswordAnywhere. When transfering data from the computer to Dropbox something failed.
The 1Password application is now empty, my browsers hold still all passwords and 1PasswordAnywhere is still not running.


  • BerndL
    Community Member

    The following error is listed:{"list":[{"data":"%SL5_DATA%","validation":"%SL5_VALIDATION%","identifier":"%SL5_ID%","level":"SL5","iterations":%SL5_ITERATIONS%},{"data":"%SL3_DATA%","validation":"%SL3_VALIDATION%","identifier":"%SL3_ID%","level":"SL3","iterations":%SL3_ITERATIONS%}],"SL3":"%SL3_ID%","SL5":"%SL5_ID%"}

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @BerndL, did those error strings come from 1Password, Dropbox, or some other program?

    It sounds like you had Login items and other saved data in the main 1Password program that you could also see in the Firefox and Safari extensions, you did something with Dropbox, and now you have the same items in the extensions but not in the main 1Password program.

    Is that correct?

    Can you provide details on exactly what you did with Dropbox that seems to have caused the problem?

    With a little more information, I feel sure we can figure out what's going on and get things working for you.

  • BerndL
    Community Member

    Hello Moderator,
    This stirng came up, when I opended the 1Password file within Dropbox



  • BerndL
    Community Member

    By the way also when I open the same file in the root menue of my windows file



  • BerndL
    Community Member

    I had copied the file 1Password.keys and encriptionKeys to dropbox because these files were indicated as missing or fault data.
    After copying the 1Password main program were empty. At least it recognizes my login ;-)

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    I'm still trying to get a handle on exactly what's happening, @BerndL.

    1. From where and to where did you copy the 1password.keys and encryptionKeys.js files?

    2. Can you confirm that you had Login items and other saved data in the main 1Password program that you could also see in the Firefox and Safari extensions, you did something with Dropbox, and now you have the same items in the extensions but not in the main 1Password program?

    3. Are you trying to open the copy of 1Password.html on your local drive or on your private dropbox.com web site?


  • Jovis
    Community Member

    Hi there,

    I encountered a similar problem. When opening my logins in the desktop App suddenly most of my saved logins have disappeared.

    This is on all computers u use. When opening the browser extension (both firefox and chrome) the old logins aare shown. How can I fix this, so all computers are really synchronised. On dropbox I have a copy of he passwords and am not sure wich one to delete.

    Is it possibly to use a different clloud station than dropbox, one on a other server? Can I copy the files used on.

    Thanx for helping out!


  • BerndL
    Community Member
    edited March 2014

    Regarding your questions:

    1. From where and to where did you copy the 1password.keys and encryptionKeys.js files?

      • I copied the files from the hard drive to dropbox, to get ride of the message "missing key files.
    2. Can you confirm that you had Login items and other saved data in the main 1Password program that you could also see in the Firefox and Safari extensions, you did something with Dropbox, and now you have the same items in the extensions but not in the main 1Password program?

      • I have still all passwords in Safari and firefox, also ist 1password full functional within the browser windows.

        The only downside is that the desktop version is empty
    3. Are you trying to open the copy of 1Password.html on your local drive or on your private dropbox.com web site?

      • I tried both ways, I open den hard disk version via the desktop version and the dropbox version via the html version.



  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the follow-up, Bernd.

    1. Since Dropbox simply copies the contents of your local Dropbox folder, how did you copy the files to Dropbox?

    2. Was copying those two files the only thing you did between the time the main 1Password program had data and the time it didn't?

    3. Safari is the only browser that can open 1Password.html on your local drive. Most modern browsers (except IE) can open the copy of 1Password.html that's in your private dropbox.com web site. (They're both HTML versions—that's just how 1PasswordAnywhere works.)

  • BerndL
    Community Member

    Hello D. Brown,

    Some additional information.

    My intention is to use 1Password with my Winodows 8.1 PC and my iPhone 4. Due to the fact that either could not open the dropbox 1PasswordAnywhere via iPhone and even not with my dropbox folder on my Windows 8.1 I copied the "missing files" from the hard disc to the dropbox by copy and past.

    I would suggest the following work around:

    1. ReInstalling the 1Password on my PC
    2. Grapping the passwords from my browsers (Saphari, Firefox)
    3. Once again copping the passwords to dropbox

    Would that be a solution?

    PS. I do not use the IE Browser because, I don't like this product.



  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Bernd, I'm still concerned by the expression "copying the passwords to Dropbox," because that's not something you ever do, yourself.

    The browser extensions communicate new Login items to the main 1Password program, which saves its data in the .agilekeychain folder. If that .agilekeychain folder is in your local Dropbox folder hierarchy, Dropbox automatically copies it to your private dropbox.com web site, from which it is automatically copied by Dropbox to any other devices and computers associated with your Dropbox account.

    I can't comment on the proposed workaround, because I don't understand what you mean by "copying the passwords to Dropbox."

  • BerndL
    Community Member

    Hello D.Brown,
    i sent off an error report from windos and ios to Chris De Jabet of you team.
    It would be nice if you give me a solution to include my passwords from Firefox once again.
    How could i force to include my passwords from the browseres.



  • BerndL
    Community Member
    edited March 2014

    Hello D. Brown,

    I installed 1Password again, imported once again the passwords from my browser.

    Now when I open the dropbox file the following message apears:


    Your help is welcomed



  • BerndL
    Community Member

    Hello D.Brown,

    The following message tells me that I will never synchronize my passwords cross platforms:
    missing file:///G:/Users/Bernd/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default/encryptionKeys.js
    error code:

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2014

    @BerndL, I'll contact you by direct message.

  • BerndL
    Community Member

    Hi Dave,

    once again a big thank you for your assistance. The mayor issue was caused due to that I didn't download the dropbox app via windows 8.1 App Store. Windows deleted the downloaded dropbox software from web after every restart.

    Very strange behaivour of windows.

    Kind regards,

    P.S. I think we could close this issue ;-)

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    That’s very interesting, @BerndL—thanks for letting us know!

This discussion has been closed.