I am having trouble with an auto submit on one of my logins

I have a login for my school that uses different websites for different content but the same login information, so I have them all saved as one login ( i separated with a '|' key) and they all work fine. The problem comes from one of these log in pages. It will only auto submit my password, leaving the username blank (every other login works fine with auto-submitting the user name). I even tried creating a new login for that page specifically (as in it is the only website on that login) and it still does the same thing. I wonder if I could use the extra fields to input the information automatically. If so, what does the login look for ( as in should I search for the html code for it, or the source?) Sorry for the long winded question, but it has been bugging me (I know it is a minor bug, and i can live without it). Thanks for the great product by the way!


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @alexandermag89‌,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with a Login here. Good call on re-saving a new Login manually - that's usually the first step in troubleshooting. :) Now, I'd love to do some testing here to see if we can't get this Login behaving any better. Could you send along the URL that's acting up?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @alexandermag89‌,

    Thanks for sending along that URL! We've done some testing here, and we're seeing the same behaviour in 1Password 3. I can tell you though that 1Password can fill correctly here in version 4. Our developers have completely re-written the extension for version 4, and it is able to handle many sites that previously gave us trouble. If you're interested in upgrading, 1Password 3 users get a discount on a 1Password 4 license by entering their 1Password 3 license key here: https://agilebits.com/store/upgrade.

    If you're content with 1Password 3, that's fine of course, but it looks like you'll have to type or paste your username on this site. I do apologize for the inconvenience!

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