Bug report: something going awry with "Export All"; importing fails silently
Hi there,
I did get this working, but I'd like to report it to your development team.
Earlier today I was trying to import from a .pif file exported from 1Password 4.1.2 on the Mac to 1Password 4.1.2 on the Mac under a different system user account. (I do use Dropbox syncing, but I have two Dropbox accounts, a work one and a personal one, and there are a number of passwords I need to have available via both accounts, so periodically I do a two-way export/import routine to make sure that both my Dropbox accounts 'know' about all my logins.) I've done this several times in the past with no problems, but today I went to my personal system user account, went to "Export All," swapped to my work account, and told 1Password to import that exported file, and 1Password locked, prompted me for my master password, and didn't import a thing or throw any error messages. I tried re-exporting several times, but no go.
I finally got it working when I went to "All Items" and manually selected everything, then chose "Export Selected", rather than just choosing "Export All", so I'm cool, but I wanted to let you guys know.
I'm running Version 4.1.2 (412009) on Mac 10.9.2.
Hi @BWR,
Thanks for reporting this problem with your export/import routine.
I went to my personal system user account, went to "Export All," swapped to my work account, and told 1Password to import that exported file, and 1Password locked, prompted me for my master password, and didn't import a thing or throw any error messages. I tried re-exporting several times, but no go.
Did you retry importing the same exported "All Items" data multiple times? Even with the reexported data, did 1Password lock every time you tried importing it?
I finally got it working when I went to "All Items" and manually selected everything, then chose "Export Selected", rather than just choosing "Export All"
Other than folders, I'm not sure what your "All Items" export might contain that isn't in your "Selected Items" export of all items to cause the former from successfully importing and silently fail. Are you still able to reproduce this?