mSecure Converter for 1Password 4



  • John Elbing
    John Elbing
    Community Member

    I created an account just to say that you are great ;-) It worked like a charm. Thank you.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Awesome! Thanks so much for taking the time to post your results and for the blush-worthy compliment.

  • bjtech
    Community Member

    Hi MrC, I seem to be getting close to getting everything to work on Win 7 except for the last message that I receive:

    Imported 278 cards
    Cannot create 1pif output file: \/Desktop/1P4_import.1pif
    No such file or directory

    Any ideas or tips I can try? Thanks.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @bjtech,

    You are close. The error is suggesting to me that your HOMEPATH and hence Desktop might be on another volume.

    You can specify where the output file goes. Just add the -o option with a full path to the file. For example:

    perl msecure -v your_path_to_pm_export.txt  -o D:\Path\To\Any\Location\1P4_import.1pif
  • bjtech
    Community Member

    That worked perfectly! Thank you for the very quick response.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited October 2014

    Excellent. You're welcome.

    I need to fix the problem you encountered, as you're the second user who has mentioned the issue. Would you be willing to test an updated script, without having to use the -o option? If so, send me a PM or email (its at the top of the script), and I'll get you the update.

  • Paulrsiegmund
    Community Member

    Mr C, I need some help and am willing to test a few things if you have ideas.
    I'm migrating to 1Password4 on a new iMac running Yosemite, away from a PC running Win7 and Msecure 3.5.4 Enough variation at once?

    I have about 200 cards in my Msecure file, with several different card types including one custom type that I created. I do not use groups,so all are unassigned. Exporting CSV is my only option in Windows. (I noticed I could back up to an XML file if that is worth pursuing.) I notice that the CSV file has no header line nor anything that might tell your converter what it is looking at. File naming and moving the file from the pc to my Mac desktop is easy,and your script is finding my files easily.
    Bottom line, I'm receiving one monster 1password card, with 1200 lines of text in it, named for my granddaughter whose name begins with two As.

    perl5.16 msecure -v ../../pm_export.txt
    Renamed card type 'People' is not a default type, and is being mapped to Secure Notes

    Imported 1 card
    Exported 1 note item
    Exported 1 total item

    I'm a awful typist who does not want to manually weed and enter data. Do I need to restructure my Msecure file, or try something different in the export? Could I paste header cards into the txt file? Smoke, bones, feathers?

    Happy new year and many thanks.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @Paulrsiegmund‌,

    Due to differences in mSecure's CSV export on Windows vs. Mac, you'll need to do the conversion on the platform where mSecure was exported (so in your case, on Windows). It would be just too much work to also provide cross-platform conversion with all the converters.

    Can you follow the Windows conversion instructions and see how that works out?

    We can discuss the custom card type once you are further along in the conversion. Don't worry about Groups - those are simply supplemental organizational groupings for your use within mSecure, and you can Tag (or Folder-ize) within 1Password if you want.

    Feel free to email my for offline help in getting through any of this - my email is at the top of the script.

    Happy New Year.

  • Paulrsiegmund
    Community Member

    I didn't think of that <|:-{) But yes, I sure could. I'll give it a whack on the PC then bring the converted file to the Mac. I'm assuming that is what you suggested. I don't have 1password for Win, but it seems I won't need it.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Yes, exactly. Convert on Windows, and the 1PIF can be brought over to the Mac for import.

  • pdjhh
    Community Member

    Hi there. Sorry for being over cautious but this should be an official Agilebits offering. What's to stop anyone putting a script here that grabs all your passwords and sends them off to who knows where? Agilebits should pay the guy who wrote this and put something formal around it so that we can use it with confidence.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited June 2015

    Hi @pdjhh ,

    It is good to be cautious about such things. Two things to address your concerns: 1) the script code is fully available for you and everyone to fully examine and analyze, and 2) the code is reviewed by AgileBits and cross posted on their Git repository.

    Because the script code is fully readable, you can review, or ask anyone else to review, and explain to your satisfaction, that it does only what it purports to do, and does not relay your confidential data.

    Does that help?

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