Synch iphone with PC Windows7


I purchased 1password for my iphone5 a few days ago and then for my laptop today. I have already installed drop box on my laptop. I previously put a trial or demo version on my laptop with a simple Master password. I can not synch with my iphone account now on my laptop. It asks for the Master password and will only accept the simple password I had used when checking out the demo. I have uninstalled and reinstalled 1password. What do I do to get my newly purchased 1password on my laptop synched up with my iphone 1password account? Clueless in St. Louis.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2014

    If you already had Logins and other items saved in 1Password on your iPhone, you wouldn't have wanted to create a new vault in 1Password on your PC a few days later. Instead, you'd want to choose Dropbox sync'ing in 1Password for iOS, then launch 1Password for Windows and open the .agilekeychain folder in Dropbox on your PC.

    Details are available in this topic near the top of the forum: Getting 1Password data from iOS to Windows

    I hope that helps, @dthompson. Let us know if you have any other questions.

  • dthomson
    Community Member

    OK, Thankd you for that and moving forward; why does my 1Password window on my PC on the top say !Password trial when I have payed for and downloaded the program. I should not be a trial if I have paid for it. I tried uninstalling the trial that I did have and then installing the newly program that I paid for and yet the window still says "trial"

  • dthomson
    Community Member

    Disregard the above question. I found the answer in the user guide. I am still in the user guide and looking at the following sentence there in.

    On your iOS device, launch and unlock the 1Password app, and tap Settings > Database > Backup & Restore. You should see a page titled “Backup Service Started.” If you are using an iPhone or iPod touch, you may need to tap More to get to Settings.

    My question is this. Following the above directions. I tap setting no problem but there is nothing there that says backup restore. There is no back up and restore button to tap on.This is probably something really obvious. I am a bit tech challenged but am determined to soldier through setting this thing up on my iphone and PC. Thanks for you help and patience.

  • dthomson
    Community Member

    I have 67 dollars into this (iphone and the program for my PC), 4 to 5 hours trying to figure it out and get it to work and have not been able to accomplish the most basic functions of the program. I am close to writing the investment and time spent off as a loss unless I can get a refund. I am not a techy but I can get around computers fairly well. I shouldn't be this difficult.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @dthompson, I'm sorry for your frustration.

    I am unable to update the few out-of-date topics in the 1Password 1 for Windows user's guide; unfortunately, that's one of them.

    As I wrote above, you need to follow the steps in this forum topic: Getting 1Password data from iOS to Windows

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