windows machine's not sync together via dropbox.

Ive got a growing concern with my 1password database on dropbox, not syncing over my 2 machines. for example. say for instance I log into Facebook via PC1 and save the password via the Firefox extension. It will then go onto to my PC1 1Password application. Now the issue is if I then go to PC2 and use my 1Password Firefox extension to log in, facebook isn't there.

Now if I save a password via PC2 on Firefox, I would then go to PC1 and again the passwords aren't there. Ive got some account save on PC1 and PC2 there both on the same database on dropbox but not syncing :(

Now all my machines are talking to my dropbox 1password database using the feature on my macbook as well as my iPhone.


  • MikeT
    edited June 2014

    Hi @Kiran Robert John Thomson‌,

    There are two levels of syncing; one is between the Firefox extension and the main 1Password app on the same PC and the second is the main 1Password data file being sync'ed between PCs. If the former one isn't syncing, it's not going to sync between PCs because the data never entered the main 1Password data's file.

    Let's test the latter now; if you create a new test item in the main 1Password app on PC1 and another test item in the main 1Password app on PC2, do these test items show up in the other PC's main 1Password app?

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