Multiple URLs - how do I get them into the login items?


Ok guys, I've been waiting for this feature for a long time and now I do not think that it delivers what i thought it would.

I'm using the same User for different web applications - really the same user not just the same name. so if I change my password on one its changed for all.

so the first thing I did after installing 1 password 4 for windows was looking for a merge function to pull the different logins with the different URLs into one account.
nope - I didn't find something like this.

so than i thougt hey lets just delete a login and go to the side. after the login i will be prompted to add this Login (as usual) with the new 1pass extensions.
I am now at this point and the only options I have is to replace some Logins or to add a new one.

Now the question: is the only way really to MANUALLY add the different URLs to the Login Items???


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    You can add more URLs to an existing Login item here:

  • Madrox
    Community Member

    manually? why do i not get the chance to merge 2 items with the same user and it adds up the URLs?

    and more importantly: why am i not able to just add another URL to an existing User while logging in?

    manuella adding the URLs... yeah if this is the way then you really need to reconsider your user experience.

    that defeats the whole purpose of multiple URLs in my Oppinion. It is easier to just create multiple logins than add the urls manually.

    I'm a bit grumpy, I'm sorry, but as the User I am now very much disappointed with this feature.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    It is easier to just create multiple logins than add the urls manually.

    Until you need to change your password

  • Madrox
    Community Member

    This is the behaviour that i'd expect:

    Rule 1:
    first of all , all Logins that have the same domain name are shown in the list.

    rule 2 - if you manually use an existing login on a new site/url it asks you if you want to add this url:
    Example: you have a portal applikation on a site with the adress - this is an existing login.
    theres also a forum that uses the same User. so if you go to the Browser Plugins should show the login of (because same domain name)
    if you manually login with the data from this login it asks you if you want to add this (sub)domain/url to the existing Login Item in 1Password or create a new one.

    you could also search for logins as before if the same user is used with different domain names.

    rule 3 - you can merge multiple existing login items to one item that combines the URLs of all.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    all Logins that have the same domain name are shown in the list.

    They are.

    if you manually use an existing login on a new site/url it asks you if you want to add this url

    If you use an existing Login on a non-existing site/URL then 1Password will navigate to the Login's URL before doing any filling.

    If you manually enter a username and password (not using 1Password to do the filling), then 1Password will ask you to save a new Login (or replace an existing Login if the domain is the same but the password is not).

    I agree it would be nice to detect an existing Login item having the same username + password combo (but not the same domain), and then allow the user to add the current URL to it.

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