Add Title's to Extension & Mini

Community Member

I have recently upgraded all platforms to version 4. Thus, now using he new extension and Mini.

When you go to a site with saved password info, you are only presented with the Username in the extension and mini. However, if you have multiple accounts/usernames for a particular site (lets say a personal and business account) or sharing with a spouse so multiple accounts for the same website. It is not so easy to tell from the username what account is what. In previous versions, you were presented with the Tile for the 1password account. Thus, for a site for lets say Bank of America. I had a title of "BOA - Personal" and BOA-Business". Or if my spouse and I have logins for the same sites I would append "-IMT" for my sites, for example and her name for hers.

I now find myself having to go to the full App to see the title for the site to make sure I am using the correct login. Granted this isn't an issue with all sites but since the only way previously to differentiate was to modify the site titles, maybe add this info back in the extension and mini. Maybe either append it to the Username shown, Show it if you right click the user name (so you see title, username and password). or have a check box in preferences where you can choose the option to see Titles or Usernames in the extension or mini. (Unless I am overlooking that option).


  • khad
    1Password Alumni
    edited July 2014


    Are you seeing this on Windows? If so, it sounds like you have the "Show username for matching Logins" option enabled in Preferences on the Logins tab. If not, could you post a screenshot of what you are seeing?

  • imt
    Community Member

    Yes Windows. Thanks. That solved that issue.

    I do have another question though. Maybe it should be posted in the windows forum under a different heading. But, why in the mac version, if you use the extension and right click the Login Item, you get all of the options including the ability to edit the login right there. Bit, on the Window side you are just presented with the username and password but no way to edit unless you then say to open in 1password? Why isn't the functionality of the extension/mini the same across these platforms?

  • imt
    Community Member

    I see I already commented on this in the windows beta section. Disregard.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Happy to help! I'll let the fine folks on the Windows team continue assisting you in the other thread(s) you have going. :)

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