Bug causing OS hangs/lag after first install without doing configure

Community Member
edited August 2014 in 1Password 4 for Windows

I installed 1password for Windows on Windows 7 64bit yesterday but didn't have a chance to start the setup at that time (I am a new user).

I then found that Windows was starting to lag horribly, even typing had a delay. The worst offender was trying to ctrl+click select 3 or more files in Windows explorer, on clicking the third file the entire machine would hang for a few seconds. Doing this with task manager open showed Agile1pAgent.exe consuming a full core of CPU (12% in my case on a quad core with HT). Killing that process made everything respond as normal again.

I then used ProcessMon to try and see what was going on, the Agile1pAgent process was recursively scanning my Dropbox folder whenever I did anything and the machine was hanging or lagging badly whilst it did. I am an existing DropBox user with about 4500 files in 1500 directories on this machine.

I guess it was simply scanning to try and find an existing vault but doing it in such a way as to lag or lock the machine up (which is somewhat odd). After I completed the setup and created a vault the problem went away completely. However I can't help but think that many people will simply uninstall if this happens and move on.....


  • Hi @djb61,

    Thanks for writing in about this. That's very unusual as we haven't seen that behavior but that might be because we don't have a busy Dropbox folder.

    We did recently add an option to disable the scanning of the Dropbox folder, you might want to do that in your Preferences:

    I'll see if we can reproduce this with a big Dropbox folder and if we can, we definitely need to approach this in a different way.

    We really appreciate you letting us know, I can imagine some folks skipping 1Password if it was causing this much problems during the initial scan.

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