iCloud Sync


Why is there no iCloud Sync for 1Password for Windows even though I have iCloud Control Panel and Bonjour installed from iTunes?


  • Hi Keith - iCloud syncing allows 1Password 4 for Mac and 1Password 4 for iOS to share and sync your 1Password data directly, but 1Password for Windows and 1Password for non-iOS mobile devices do not yet support this option. You can instead use Dropbox and this allows 1Password for Mac, 1Password for Windows, 1Password 4 for iOS, 1Password for Windows phone and 1Password for Android to share and sync your 1Password data directly.
    Information for setting up Dropbox sync can be found here.

  • philstubbington
    Community Member

    Hi Laura.

    Does this change with iCloud Drive?

    The cost of Dropbox is much higher than iCloud drive (unless you need a terabyte, which I don't!)


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @philstubbington‌ I'm afraid iCloud Drive does not change this. Please see this article.

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