Syncing without dropbox and wifi



I have multiple devices (iPhone, iPad, macbook, windows). Everything but the windows (company PC) is under my control. On windows dropbox is banned due to security concerns. Wifi Sync is not able to see the iOs Device due to firewall issues.

1) Is there a chance to sync "manually".
2) Or using a network drive which is synched to dropbox (1P on iOS syncs with dropbox - nas syncs nas folder with dropbox - nas folder as network drive on windows PC). Ugly hack.
3) Anything better?

Kind regards.


  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    1Password for Windows reads the keychain directly so you could sync to USB stick and then open it directly from there. Alternatively a network folder would work.

  • rak
    Community Member

    Thanks for your answer. This would replace teh data in 1P Windows, correct? When dropbox was still working on my PC I synced. After stopping of sync I added passwords on both side of the sync (Windows and iOS). The procedure you desrcibed above would loose all entrys only in the Windows 1P app?

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    No, because when resync either USB stick or NAS copy with dropbox it should merge them.

  • MikeT
    edited August 2014

    Hi guys,

    @rak, like RichardPayne mentioned, you can put a copy of the data file on your USB drive and open 1Password on the work PC from it. Be sure to exit 1Password completely before you eject the USB drive.

    It'd be better to use a local sync tool on the work PC to sync between the USB drive and the 1Password folder on your PC's drive. You can then reuse the sync tool to sync your USB drive to the data file in the Dropbox folder on your Mac, and Dropbox will handle everything else.

    We do not support using network folders, only local or cloud folders that retains a copy on the drive while it syncs to the cloud or other computer(s).

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    We do not support using network folders, only local or cloud folders that retains a copy on the drive while it syncs to the cloud or other computer(s).

    Is there a technical problem with using network folders or is it more of a policy thing, and if so, why?

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    Is there a technical problem with using network folders or is it more of a policy thing

    It is more of a policy thing. There shouldn't be a problem, albeit performance might be lacking because 1Password is File I/O intensive.

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