How i can sync between my iphone(1password app) to my pc-win(1password software)using dropbox server


Hay all , i have a question please
i want to sync between my iphone and windows pc and conversion using dropbox server for syncing
Because I can not find this feature in my windows software , and i bought the 1password software for windows and also bought 1password app form iphone appstore because this feature


  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    You need to install the Dropbox client for Windows and then point 1Password at the vault (probably called 1Password.agilekeychain) in your Dropbox folder. The vault location is set on the General tab of Preferences.

  • boy700
    Community Member

    Ok ty but why this feature in windows not working Such as the mac & the ios version everything syncing automatically With each other, fast and live ?!?

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    It is fast and live. If you mean why is it not integrated then I can't say for sure. Frankly I didn't realise that the OSX version had integrated dropbox. I thought that was just the mobile versions (iOS and Android).

    Think about it though, it is better this way. On iOS you are tied to only using the sync services that Agilebits support. Ie the ones that those APIs they've coded against. By using the OS native client, you can effectively use any sync service you like. Many people are unhappy with Dropbox and want to stop using it. This is possible on Windows (and I thought OSX). Of course, it doesn't help you if, like you, you need to include include a mobile device in the sync but if you just sync a pair of Macs or a Mac and a Windows box then you can drop Dropbox entirely.

  • boy700
    Community Member

    understood :) thank you for Everything

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    You're welcome.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member
    edited August 2014

    Frankly I didn't realise that the OSX version had integrated dropbox.

    It doesn't, but it behaves slightly different than on Windows. You must have Dropbox installed on OS X, and 1Password then reads and writes to the regular Dropbox folder just like on Windows. The difference is that 1Password on OS X in addition to your .agilekeychain file works with an internal database. So if you're not syncing your data no such file is created, and if you want syncing there is a section in the preferences labeled "Synchronize" which creates a synced copy in iCloud, Dropbox or an arbitrary folder.

    On Windows, because how 1Password only works with .agilekeychain, you don't really "enable sync", you just move your vault to a folder that happens to be synced by some services, for example Dropbox.

  • MikeT
    edited August 2014

    Hi @RichardPayne,

    What Xe996 said is correct. We're not integrated with anything on OS X but we are providing an integrated experience due to how 1Password designed on OS X. For an example, it uses an internal SQLite file to store all the vaults that are connected to 1Password, something that the Windows app don't have. You can't use this SQLlite to put it on Dropbox or any other sync service. So what 1Password does is create a separate sync file when you enable it via the Sync Preferences like in these shots:

    Enabling sync for a secondary vault:

    Sync'ing a vault

    It is possible in the future when we add support for more sync services to 1Password for Windows (and other platforms), we may adopt the similar interface on Windows to help with the sync experience.

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