Identity fill not working
I am also experiencing the same problem on my Mac and did not find any solution on this forum.
Already tried deleting and recreating a new identity + uninstall/reinstall/restart etc with no results.
Identity filling is not working at all in both Firefox and Safari :-(
Either the identity fields are only partially filled or nothing at all is filled.
In NONE of the identity fileds are filled (credit card is filled correctly though).
On all websites only the first/family name and e-mail address are filled but the other fields (adress, phone) are not (no difference btw Firefox and Safari).
There is no difference in behavior between Firefox and Safari.
Please help, I bought 1P especially for the identity feature. Thank you in advance!
1Password 4.4.1, Firefox 31.0 with 1P extension 4.2.4, Safari 7.0.6 with 1P extension 4.2.4, Mavericks 10.9.4.
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Hi @delphi,
Sorry to hear that Identity filling with 1Password isn't working properly for you. Thanks for the details about the problem. Which language are you running 1Password with?
If possible, can you temporarily create the Demo vault by selecting New Demo Vault… under the main 1Password 4` menu and check if you have the same filling issues when using the sample Identity items in it? It's unusual that your Identity items won't fill any fields on the 1Password Form Filling Example page. But items from the Demo vault should definitely fill there.
Thanks for your help with troubleshooting and isolating this problem!
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Hi @sjk,
Thank you very much for your quick reply!
My results by using Demo vault in 1Password Form Filling Example :
"Business Identity" fills perfectly;
"Personal Identity" fills perfectly (except of course company and email address which are not part of the identity);
"Forums" fills nothing (is this normal? First/last name and company are part of this identity).
Not working websites are in French and German language.
Looking forward to receiving your further precious help!
Note: my results above are all consistent (the same) in Firefox, Safari and Chrome.
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Hi @delphi,
Thank you for doing that testing and posting the results.
Can you mention any specific sites/URLs where identify filling is misbehaving? Does filling with Business Identity and Personal Identity items from the Demo vault work as expected on those? Do you have 1Password and browsers running in English even though the pages are in French and German?
Thanks for the additional information!
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Hi @sjk,
Three examples of French/German sites/URLs where identify filling is misbehaving:
Filling with Business Identity and Personal Identity items from the Demo vault does not work as expected on those (some fields are not filled).
Interestingly, filling with Forums items from the Demo vault on 1. and 2. does fill first/last name and e-mail address as expected, whereas filling with Forums items from the Demo vault on 1Password Form Filling Example fills nothing at all.
Filling with Forums items from the Demo vault on 3. fills nothing at all.
All my tests are done with 1Password and browsers running in English.
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I'm having a similar problem on some websites. I haven't kept records of which ones, except for one today: the order form for ordering books from the website. Last month I bought a book and when I used 1Password to fill the identity, all it filled was the first name. I tried it again today and got the same results. It also submitted the form (which was invalid) and changed the currency to Australian dollars. I had to fill in the identity manually. It works just fine on your example form though.
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Hi @JC54,
I'm sorry you've also been having trouble with 1Password filling. For the, was it a Take Control Cart page like this (actually on where filling was misbehaving?
And it certainly shouldn't be submitting after filling, even with incorrect/missing information.
Are you running 1Password in English?
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Yes, that's the page. After posting about it, I notified the site of the problem and they have duplicated the problem. They are looking into it to see if something has changed on their page to cause this. If not, I assume they will work with Agile Bits to figure it out. This behavior has only started recently, at least for me. As you know they publish an eBook about 1Password and I know some of the principle people there use it. Good folks, like here.Yes, in English.
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Adam Engst from Take Control here...
I'm not sure what's going on here, but I can certainly reproduce the problem too. SJK, here are the input tags from that page; I can't change the name attributes since they're special to eSellerate. Ideally, 1Password would recognize them though, since eSellerate is used by quite a few companies.
<input name="_Shopper.BillingFirstName" type="text" class="inputBox" size="32" _label="<br>First Name"> <input name="_Shopper.BillingLastName" type="text" class="inputBox" size="32" _label="<br>Last Name"> <input name="_Shopper.BillingEmail" type="text" class="inputBox" size="32" _label="<br>E-mail Address"> <input name="_Shopper.BillingEmailRetype" type="text" class="inputBox" size="32" _label="<br>Retype E-mail Address"> <input name="_Shopper.BillingCompany" type="text" class="inputBox" size="32"> <input name="_Shopper.BillingAddress1" type="text" class="inputBox" size="32" _label="<br>Address 1"> <input name="_Shopper.BillingAddress2" type="text" class="inputBox" size="32"> <input name="_Shopper.BillingCity" type="text" class="inputBox" size="32" _label="<br>City"> <input name="_Shopper.BillingState" type="text" class="inputBox" size="32" _label="<br>State/Province"> <input name="_Shopper.BillingZip" type="text" class="inputBox" size="32" _label="<br>Zip/Postal Code"> <input name="_Shopper.BillingPhone" type="text" class="inputBox" size="32" _label="<br>Phone">
cheers... -Adam
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Hey guys,
I've discussed these issues with one of our developers and we would like to see some samples of specific Identity items that aren't working correctly with sites you've previously mentioned. To do that, you can take screenshots of the item details, redact any personal information, and post them here. Or you can send me a private message and I'll send instructions for how you can get redacted item details to us in JSON format.
We did find a problem when the extension doesn't find a matching field on the page in the item, e.g. filling will fail on a page with a country field and no country in the item. This explains why the Forums item in the Demo vault (without a country) fails on certain pages (with a country), including the 1Password Form Filling Example. That could also be true for "nothing at all is filled" cases like @delphi mentioned in his original post.
We haven't yet found the problem with eSellerate pages (via Take Control) that @JC54 reported and @adamengst duplicated. The Business Identity and Personal Identity items from the Demo vault successfully fill on a page like in the image I posted; the Forums item fails for the aforementioned reason. As Adam mentioned:
Ideally, 1Password would recognize them though, since eSellerate is used by quite a few companies.
And if apparently normal Identity items are failing there we need to figure out the cause and fix it; any redacted samples we can see are appreciated.
Thanks for all your help with this!
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I'm not quite sure what level of detail I can provide that would be useful, although I will note that if I choose an identity to fill in, the first fill fails, but switches the eSellerate currency menu to another currency (CNY for me) and the subsequent fill works fine. So it's in some way related to that menu. The problem seems to be the same whether I use the extension or iPassword mini.
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Sorry for the delay in responding here, Adam ( @adamengst ).
I'll be sending you a private message with some additional information to help isolate where this problem is.
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Just tried to complete a purchase on Take Control (esellerate) page.
1PW changes currency from USD to CAD
And it will not fill identity as it has done in the past.HTH.
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Hi all,
With kind assistance from @JC54, we've been able to isolate at least one cause of the Identity filling problem reported with Take Control Ebook checkout pages at eSellerate:
Using two character state codes in the item can cause mistaken selection of a different currency and a page refresh, leaving other fields unfilled.
The suggested workaround is to fully spell out state names instead of using their two character abbreviations. This can also help on other form pages where Identity filling similarly misbehaves, e.g. it's reproducible on certain PayPay checkout forms.
@adamengst and @norm: please let us know if that workaround doesn't do the trick.
A detailed bug report has been filed. We appreciate your patience while our developers work on getting this and other Identity filling issues resolved.
ref: OPX-651
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Thanks for tracking this down! How would I test this? If I change the Identity associated with a credit card, that might work on eSellerate, but I think it would fail other places that are expecting NY instead of New York, for instance.
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You're welcome, Adam ( @adamengst ).
I'm not sure what you'd like to test, but you're probably correct that changing a two character state code to its full name will probably cause filling with that item to fail on other pages. The only workaround that comes to mind is duplicating pairs of those items, one with the two character code and the other with the full name. I'll check with our developers about what other alternatives there might be until this is fixed.
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It sounds like we just need to wait until the bug is fixed - there's no way we could educate users that they need to modify their 1Password identities to avoid a two-letter state abbreviation, especially if it will cause other errors.
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Hi Adam,
I truly apologize for the inconvenience of this bug and understand it being impractical to suggest using different Identity items as a workaround in situations like yours. It's a Major priority in our tracker, regardless of any workaround.
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Hi @sjk,
What is the status regarding resolution of this bug?
As per my previous post, I still can't make the autofill work in; none of the identity fileds are filled.
I'm on 1Password 5.0.2.
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Any updates on this bug? We're getting more complaints from customers for whom 1Password is adding confusion and incurring fees during the checkout process by changing the currency.
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Hi @adamengst
I've checked the status of the bug report and we're still working on it. I'm sorry I don't have anything more precise to offer at this point in time. It is considered a major bug that we need to resolve though.
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Well, we think we identified the correct bug: since the state is normally a drop-down, the extension tries to fill that one over a plain text field. That's half the problem as I'm not too sure how to fix it. We can definitively make sure some keywords are excluded form "state" filling.
I wish I had better news, but I wanted to tell you we're aware of the problem and we'll fix it!
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I had the same problem with the esellerate page yesterday. When I purchased a Take Control book it filled the form, but changed the currency to CNY. Fortunately I used a credit card that doesn't charge a foreign currency fee so it didn't cost me much.
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Glad you've figured the problem out, and fingers crossed you can get the fix in soon.
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Indeed! A web form may seem simple when we look at them but underneath they are the stuff of nightmares. It often feels like a game of cat and mouse or so I imagine.
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The identity fill work only partially for me in this website (filled only my country (US) and state):, just a suggestion: it would be useful if you posted as a sticky, at the begining of this thread instructions of how to post a question here (what info do you need to make it simpler- address/logs/screenshot/etc').
Thanks in advance and have a good day.
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Hi @Ayara Nidajat
Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention! I'm seeing the same behaviour here. It looks like the site has created the form in a bit of a non-standard way, but I've passed the URL along to our filling gurus to see if 1Password can't behave a bit better for you here.
BTW, just a suggestion: it would be useful if you posted as a sticky, at the begining of this thread instructions of how to post a question here (what info do you need to make it simpler- address/logs/screenshot/etc').
It just so happens that we do have a sticky at the top of the forum letting users know the type of information we usually ask for in forum posts: Helping AgileBits help you in the forums. If there's any details that you think are missing from that post, please let me know!
ref: OPX-705