Sync between two Mac with folder



  • jamjar36
    Community Member

    Thank You Megan.
    That worked well. I bypassed the USB drive and copied the sync file directly to the target folder on the MBP via my network.

    This brings up a question. When I was trying to sort this out on my own, I deleted the file 1Password.agilekeychain found in my MacBookPro user library>Application Support>1Password folder and still had full access to the data. Is the file I mentioned left over from 1PW 3 and therefore unnecessary?

  • Hi @jamjar36‌,

    More so, the relationship to the file has changed in 1Password 4.

    In 1Password 3, the app read and wrote directly to and from the 1Password.agilekeychain file. In 1Password 4 we have a local database named OnePassword.sqlite, and the 1Password.agilekeychain is merely a sync file that changes can be synced to and from. This provides a level of data redundancy. If something happens to either the sync file, it can be removed and regenerated by the local file. The inverse is also true.

  • jamjar36
    Community Member

    Thanks Chrisdj. I'll leave it alone.

  • vr8ce
    Community Member

    I don't know, @sjk, if "most people" are using cloud sync for their password data, but the ones that are aren't paying attention. And it's that kind of arrogant "we know what everyone's doing (or everyone needs)" attitude that got AgileBits in trouble with their iOS sync process, and caused them/you to have to reinstate wifi syncing there. Because, guess what, it turned out everyone was NOT using cloud sync for their password data, and more importantly they didn't want to.

    Putting all of your passwords in one place where someone else can get to them is a really bad idea. As any security person knows, physical access is 90% of the battle. They might not be able to get to the cloud, and they might not be able to crack the file if they got it, but then again they might. And time has proven over and over again they will. (See the news this week. Or last week. Or the week before.)

    But they can't if they can't physically get to them in the first place. You know what you don't hear about? You don't hear about someone getting pictures or banking information or credit card data from someone's house.

    Given that you've already heard from your customers about cloud syncing over the iOS fiasco, it's very, yes, disappointing that you continue to insist that Mac-to-Mac be done that way. Why didn't you just implement wifi syncing for everything all at one time? Not doing so is a clear sign that the company is not listening to their customers.

  • Hi @vr8ce‌,

    Direct Mac-to-Mac syncing with no iOS device is on our list to look into. The summer has kept us busy with our updates to iOS 8 and Yosemite, but once those are out we should have more time to devote to this. I will bring it up again to the developers today to make sure it is on their radars.

    I just want you to know we do hear you.

    ref: OPM-2091

  • DavidShoup
    Community Member

    I prefer not to put sensitive information in the cloud (iCloud or DropBox). It would be helpful to have a way to sync an iMac and MacBook Pro without having the complications of the folder method and expense of buying a new program ($40 ChronoSync) so the folder method will work. A simple wi-fi sync would be great.

  • Hi @DavidShoup‌,

    As mentioned earlier today, I'll make sure this is a priority once our iOS 8 and Yosemite updates are out.

  • hansjoachim
    Community Member


    There was a great help with german support to carry out sync with folder.
    Chronosync was used.
    Thanks to german support and involved people.


  • virtualbartek
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    You all at Agilebits must meditate before and after a session of responding to these posts. Your courteous and prompt responses are appreciated. Nothing is perfect and there is stuff annoying me with the program as well, but it's a freak'n great program and team despite it's shot list of shortcomings. Thanks ladies and gents.

    For the OP and commenters, this isn't addressed at you. I have done the same in the past. I just thought I would lighten the mood on a thread that interests me as well.

  • @hansjoachim‌, Glad to hear that you got the help you needed from our support team!

    @virtualbartek, Thanks for the love and support. We appreciate it. All of us here really love our jobs because we love to help people.

This discussion has been closed.