How to create auto-login for ?

The website at recently changed their login approach, and I can't seem to get 1Password to recognize when I'm submitting my credentials so I can save them. I've tried creating them manually, but can't seem to get it to work -- if I specify both username and password, it copies the username into both fields; if I only specify a password, it does nothing.

Can anyone think of a way to get an auto-fill for this site? (You can test with any credentials, of course -- just not mine. :) )



  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2014
    1. Start Chrome (or Firefox)
    2. Navigate to
    3. Click on: Sign In
    4. Enter your username and password but DO NOT click on Sign In
    5. Click on the 1Password key button
    6. Unlock
    7. Click on: Settings > Save new Login
    8. Click on: Save
  • kswartz
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have the setting "Ask to save new logins" already checked. The problem is, 1Password doesn't seem to recognize that I'm submitting a form, so it never prompts me to save anything. That's why I was trying to create something manually.


  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    I have the setting "Ask to save new logins" already checked. The problem is, 1Password doesn't seem to recognize that I'm submitting a form

    Auto-Save does not work on every web site out there. That is why we have this: Settings > Save new Login

  • kswartz
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    Sorry, I thought that's what you meant. I'm using version 3.9.20 of the Firefox plugin, and there is no "Save new login" under Settings. Also checked on Chrome, running, and there's nothing there by that name, either.

  • kswartz
    Community Member

    Ah, you must be talking about version 4. The older version for Windows (1.0) has been telling me all this time that I'm on the latest version, and didn't offer to upgrade me to version 4, which I thought was still in beta.

    I just installed that, but now I'm having issues getting the browser extension to install. I'll open a separate thread on that.

  • kswartz
    Community Member

    Tried the Save new login option -- doesn't work. The "Go & Fill" just reloads the page, but doesn't populate the fields, because they don't exist until you click a button to sign in.

  • kswartz
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    Oh, and just for completeness, I tried saving the new login with the 4.x plugin, and since I couldn't find a way to populate fields on the current page, I downgraded to the 3.x extension and tried doing it there. The saved login stored the password, but not the username, and it looks like it didn't get the field names correctly. (UPDATE: Confirmed this when I viewed the source. For whatever reason, the field names 1Password stored are nowhere near what's in the HTML. Could be a bug, unless the "save new login" is not intended to identify and record the exact field names.) When I try to populate with what I saved, it also does nothing.

    So I guess after 16 or so months, I finally found a site where 1Password can't save the credentials and auto-login for me. Personally, I can live with a failure rate like that. :-) But if you're looking for good test cases for future development, I'd say this URL is a good one.

    UPDATE 2: I notice that you can edit the form fields in the desktop UI. That helped, but when I auto-fill, it populates the username into both the username and password fields, and ignores the stored value for the password field completely. I think there's definitely something buggy going on with this page. If you want to debug this further, I'm happy to help, but I'm fine if not. Don't know if one broken page is a priority or not for you.

    UPDATE 3: Success, at last! Seems manually changing the form field names caused some kind of internal corruption. I edited the entry to just re-enter the username and password values again, saved it, and that cleaned it up. Now auto-fill correctly populates both fields.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kswartz,

    Thanks for letting us know how it all worked out, and for the information! I don't have an account on but I checked out the site and it does seem to do a few different things that cause some trouble for 1Password.

    To help us (and possibly other users reading this) understand how you got it to work, can you please let us know a few things:

    • Did you get the login to work with the 3.x extension or the 4.x extension?
    • Do you still need to click the Sign In button first, or did you find another way (like an alternate login page for the site)?
    • What was the exact "fix"? Manually saving a new login item, then editing the new login to re-enter the username/password?

    Thanks for your help!

  • kswartz
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    Hi Drew,

    You can actually test with any username and password. It'll just tell you the credentials are wrong. (As far as I can tell, it doesn't lock you out, but maybe use your email address or a throwaway one just to be safe.)

    To answer your questions:

    1) I got the login to work with the 3.x extension. Without the option to populate the current page, I could not get 4.x to work. The load-and-auto-fill does not work because...

    2) ...yes, I do need to click on the Sign In button before it will work. In 4.x, it loads the page, then auto-fills, but the forms aren't there yet, so it ends up doing nothing.

    3) What finally worked for me was a bit roundabout, and there may be a better way. But eliminating redundant or unnecessary steps, I did this:

    • Using 4.x plugin, choose Settings > Save New Login
    • In desktop, edit field names to create names (rez_user and rez_pass instead of username and password)
    • In 3.x plugin, re-enter username and password [might not be necessary all the time]
    • Populate field using 3.x plugin.

    I originally saved the login in the desktop program (before using the 4.x plugin), and that didn't work, but I think the result was the same "internal corruption" (just a guess) that was fixed by re-entering the username and password. So it might have worked via the desktop program instead of the 4.x plugin for step one. I can probably delete the entries and start from scratching with these steps again to confirm.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks @kswartz for all the info! Some sites can certainly be tricky, but I'm happy you figured out a way to get this to work for you. Hopefully we'll be able to make it easier in the future.

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