Ctrl + \ hardly works!

I apologize in advance for the vague and unspecific nature of this complaint. I've been a long time user of 1Password for Mac and 1Password for iOS, but I have recently been assigned a Windows laptop for work, so I purchased 1Password for Windows. I was shocked to discover that the quality of this application is so poor compared to the Mac version. My main complaint at the moment is that the "Ctrl + \" shortcut hardly ever works. I'm using the latest version of Google Chrome on Windows 8.1. This website (discussions.agilebits.com) is the only website so far for which "Ctrl + \" fills in the login data. For other websites, when I press "Ctrl + \" it simply brings up a dialog box next to my mouse pointer. Then I have to manually search for the login I want, copy the username to the clipboard and paste it in the form. By that time the dialog box disappears, so I have to bring it up once again and search for the login once again so that I can copy the password to the clipboard and then paste it into the form. I have found that it's actually much more convenient to simply open the 1Password application and copy / paste the login data from the application to the browser. Is this the expected behavior? Or am I missing something?


  • parekh
    Community Member

    Sorry, after playing around with it a bit more, I no longer want to say that it "hardly works" but that it doesn't work on many websites --- many websites where 1Password for Mac works just fine.

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Perhaps you should list some examples. That might give the Agilebits guys something to look into.

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