Input on design/architecture & some bugs (?)

This is what I want to pass it on to you guys. On the discussion somewhere some or all of these topics might have been covered. If that is the case please point me to those posts.

1) Windows to iPhone wifi sync
a) often crashes & does not always work in first shot
b) Items deleted from Windows are still retained in iPhone

2) Items created as Generic account on Windows gets identified as "Login" category/item on iPhone and that changes the layout of fields and adds own fields.Completely annoying. Because the app does not cover all the possible cases of items/categories, I think Generic item should be left as Generic.

3) Some items/Categories available on iPhone is/are not available on Windows. For example Password.

4) Your email category/item has only imap/pop3. Does not list Exchange server as type. Also, the GUI of this could be better separating IMAP and SMTP sections.

5) Sorting of custom added fields are not retained. What's the point of having up/down arrows to sort the fields in desired places :)

6) Does not allow to add fields like native app. e.g. if I want to add security type in email item/category. This would be nice to have as the app does not cover all possible cases of items/categories again :)

7) Renaming & changing the type of the field name should be allowed. e.g. I add a field called "passwordz" and now I wan to change it to correct spelling and originally I created this as text field, and now I wan to make it password field..This will save lots of time on user end.

8) If you guys can figure out - users create custom types say for facebook account details where all the security details are stored (password, security questions, recovery options, etc.). If you could come up with a way to allow users export this item/category without user data, send it to you guys, you verify & validate to make sure that the code is not stealing any user data :), and then you publish for other users to import it...This will make your app more popular and save hours on user end.

  • Vipul Amin


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the feedback, @vipson! As you say, many of these have been discussed in these forums, and a search should get you started on finding the various threads. By way of response to some of your points:

    1) We'll keep working on Wi-Fi sync, but it can be affected by antivirus, antimalware, and other software on your PC, as can the helper (which facilitates communication between the 1Password extensions and the main program).

    2, 3, 4) 1Password for Windows still defaults to the .agilekeychain format required by older versions and on the Windows Phone. Eventually, all the platforms will use the newer .opvault format, and items and categories will have the same names.

    5) This is a known issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    6) I sorry that I don't understand this one—can you elaborate?

    7) You can change the name of a custom field, but not (yet) of a custom section. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    8) Custom item types represent a huge re-architecture. While we know it would be of use to some of our customers, it's not something we've been able to tackle, as it would have to occur on multiple platforms simultaneous and could affect users of older versions. I don't understand the rest, though, about exporting, validating, and so on—can you elaborate?

  • vipson
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    6) for example, you have security type under email category. Then Security type field allows me to select SSL/TLS/None. I am referring to such pre-built fields.

    1) I understand and see your point.

    2, 3, 4) Hopefully you see my point of having generic item. As it is practically impossible to cover all the categories and you cannot satisfy all :). By allowing generic category it will help all us users.

    5) No worries. Understood.

    7) Happy to see that it is coming up :)

    8) I agree on re-architecture. On verification/validation - so if I create custom generic category say for LinkedIn to save the sensitive account settings, I export it (again app will export only the category definition and not my data). Now before releasing to public or making it available to users to use, I think you would want to make sure that I did not insert my custom code or I did not modify the behavior of it. Some basic checks may work. And, then you can release it for user sharing with disclaimer that you are not responsible as this is something not created by you. At the same time you could take the idea and your developers can create the categories which eventually you could release it either as update or as importable asset. Hope this explains. I personally see a huge potential on this one.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2014

    2, 3, 4) Secure Note items are the closest you come to a "generic item" in that you can simply name it and then store anything you want in it. I use them for trip itineraries, including my flight numbers and confirmation numbers, hotel reservations (with address, phone number, etc.), meeting locations, associated contact names and numbers, ...everything to do with the trip, all gathered in a single place I can check at a glance.

    6) Does not allow to add fields like native app. e.g. if I want to add security type in email item/category. This would be nice to have as the app does not cover all possible cases of items/categories again

    6) for example, you have security type under email category. Then Security type field allows me to select SSL/TLS/None. I am referring to such pre-built fields.

    Sorry, @vipson‌ . :( I'm still not clear what is the shortcoming.

    8) If you guys can figure out - users create custom types say for facebook account details where all the security details are stored (password, security questions, recovery options, etc.). If you could come up with a way to allow users export this item/category without user data, send it to you guys, you verify & validate to make sure that the code is not stealing any user data :), and then you publish for other users to import it...This will make your app more popular and save hours on user end.

    8) ... On verification/validation - so if I create custom generic category say for LinkedIn to save the sensitive account settings, I export it (again app will export only the category definition and not my data). Now before releasing to public or making it available to users to use, I think you would want to make sure that I did not insert my custom code or I did not modify the behavior of it. Some basic checks may work. And, then you can release it for user sharing with disclaimer that you are not responsible as this is something not created by you. At the same time you could take the idea and your developers can create the categories which eventually you could release it either as update or as importable asset. Hope this explains. I personally see a huge potential on this one.

    I'm afraid I'm still not getting what you're looking for. I'm hoping one of my co-workers will have a fresh set of eyes on this one, too.

    Thanks for your patience!

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited September 2014

    Items deleted from Windows are still retained in iPhone

    I cannot seem to reproduce this problem. What versions of 1Password for (a) Windows and (b) iPhone are you running?

    Some items/Categories available on iPhone is/are not available on Windows. For example Password.

    On Windows, we refer to this as "Generated Passwords" and they are available here: View > Generated Passwords.

    Renaming & changing the type of the field name should be allowed. e.g. I add a field called "passwordz" and now I wan to change it to correct spelling

    On Windows, you can double-click on the (custom) field name and then rename it.

  • vipson
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    2, 3 and 4) - closed. Understood. I think with future revisions things will change.

    6) Sorry - I think I am not consistent on referring names. I am referring to fields that you guys provide in app - not the custom fields that we create. It would be nice if those native fields are available to us to add as per needed.

    Renaming - thank you..Never realized that...I feel stupid :)..It works like charm ....

    I am running

    Windows -

    iPhone - I don't know how to check but it is the latest update on App store..

    I think you may have covered this before - is it possible to change the type of field password/text? For example, while creating so many fields I did not realize that I should have created certain fields as password fields and now I want to change it rather than recreating them...

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    I believe at this time you have to delete the old one (of the wrong type) and create a new one (of the correct type).

    We apologize for the inconvenience.

This discussion has been closed.