Using Both 1Password for Windows AND 1Password for Mac, And It's Not Syncing New Logins?


I never know which part of the forum to put my question in since I use both 1PW for Win and 1PW for Mac. Anyway ...

Here is my current set-up:

1Password 4 for Windows (Win 7) ver
Chrome extension for 1PW ver

1Password 4 for Mac (MacBook Pro) ver 4.4.1
Chrome extension for 1PW ver


I saved a brand-new login on my Windows machine, using 1PW (of course), but the new login is NOT saved on my Macbook. It simply is not there at all. It's been a few days.

I do have "sync all" selected in my Chrome settings on BOTH computers (i.e., "extensions" ARE being told to sync). Everything else I use is working (i.e., it IS syncing bookmarks, etc.)

Thanks for clues.


  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Are you trying to rely Chrome sync to sync your logins? If so then that isn't how it works. You need to configure a Dropbox account and move your vault into the Dropbox folder. Dropbox then does the vault syncing.

    All Chrome sync does is make sure you have the 1Password extension installed wherever you go.

  • geek9mm
    Community Member

    Hmm ok, I am using Dropbox, always have. Something must be wrong. This is probably over my head but I'll try to read the links you gave and figure it out, thanks! The idea of moving my "vault" terrifies me!

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    Where is your 1Password vault (aka 1Password.agilekeychain) located? Our advice is to move it to your Dropbox, and then turn on this thing called "Dropbox Sync" on Mac.

    Instructions for Windows are here:

    Instructions for Mac are here:

  • geek9mm
    Community Member

    Hi, ok, I read the instructions and it looks like on my MAC, for some reason, there was no Dropbox syncing in place. So I am on a screen on the Mac now that says:

    1Password found existing data in DropBox. It will be merged with your current vault.

    Cancel ... or ... Merge with Existing?

    Those are the choices.

    Before I do this, I just want to check here and ask if I should "merge with existing"? Thanks!

  • geek9mm
    Community Member

    Stefan yes I am just terrified to lose everything. My 1Password vault/keychain ON MY MAC is in the "Dropbox" folder on the Mac. It's asking me to "merge" (see above) or cancel. I am waiting til I hear from you definitely what I should do. I cannot risk losing logins or having logins on my Win machine get messed up, etc. It would be a total disaster! Just being VERY cautious here. Let me know what to do! I'm baffled as to why, on my MAC, the DropBox sync was not already set up. I recently upgraded to 1PW for Windows, that's the only big change, and the Chrome syncing problem was fixed when I upgraded to 1PW for Win as you may recall.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @geek9mm Assuming your 1Password vault on Windows is "under Dropbox control", what 1Password vault do you consider your "master" vault? The one you see in 1Password for Windows, or the one you see in 1Password for Mac?

  • geek9mm
    Community Member

    My 1Password vault on Windows is definitely "under Dropbox control."

    I'm not sure which is my "master" vault. I've added logins to both machines for a long time, including by hand when the Chrome sync thing wasn't working.

    So, in terms of which machine I've used LONGER (and have a lot more data on in general), it's Windows. But the MacBook has "newer" things on it.

    Ack, I don't know what to do!

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    @svondutch‌ does a "merge" not actually merge? Why does it matter what's in the two vaults? Will the end result not just be everything in one vault?

  • geek9mm
    Community Member

    I'm still waiting, if anyone figure this out, please let me know! I won't do anything til I hear back! But I need this to work. :) Thank you

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    @RichardPayne Yes when you merge then everything will end up in one vault, but I wasn't sure this is what @geek9mm wanted because you might end up with duplicated items.

    @geek9mm Go ahead and merge your vaults. You might need to clean a few things up afterwards.

  • geek9mm
    Community Member

    Ok I will try this. Holding my breath! I'd rather have "duplicates" than LOSE things, of course.

  • geek9mm
    Community Member

    Well this is VERY weird. Attaching a screen cap. On the Mac, it shows this. I have tried my DropBox password, including "old" ones, and my MAC password, and NOTHING works. GRRRRR. Help!

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    You did try your vault Master Password that you use in 1Password for Windows didn't you?

  • geek9mm
    Community Member

    Ack, no, I assumed it meant the DROPBOX password, because that's what that screen cap looks like it wants to me (the word DROPBOX with the DROPBOX logo over it!). LOL

    Update, two seconds ago: Done! And Richard, thank you SO much for your help!

    Now I'm gonna see if things are "duplicated" or whatever, and if I'll have to do that "cleanup" (and if so, how?) that Stefan mentioned above!

    Hoping it isn't major!

  • geek9mm
    Community Member

    Yay! I think it's all good. Just used 1PW on the Mac to login to a site with a recently-made login on the Win machine, and the recent/new login was there!
    Thank you guys!! **

  • geek9mm
    Community Member

    The thing with duplicates that I am noticing, FYI, is the icons in the 1PW dropdown are different. Some are the "login" icon and some are not. Why is that, I wonder? Are the "login" (silver square graphic) icons "newer"? Just curious.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    @geek9mm, are you seeing the icons in the 1Password extension when looking at the Logins list? If so, a gray icon with a keyhole in the middle is just a generic icon for logins, and means we don't yet have a rich icon for that specific website (the rich icons are downloaded from our server). The other icons you see for your logins should be for the sites they represent (for example, a login for Facebook would have the "f" icon).

    Does that help to explain what you're seeing?

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