1Password 5 for Windows

When will 1Password 5 for Windows be released. 1Password 5 for iOS is already released and will also be released for Yosemite.


  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    Considering that 1Password 4 stable for Windows was only released in June 2014, I hope that it won't be so soon. Mid to late 2015?


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    Note: 100 % speculation below.

    I don't think they will make a version 5 of the Windows application anytime soon. The new features introduced in 1Password 5 for iOS and the upcoming 1Password 5 for Mac (currently known as 4.5) are all related to changes in iOS and OS X:

    iOS: The ability to fill in 1Password items in iOS apps and unlock 1Password with Touch ID
    OS X : A new look to match Yosemite, the next version of OS X
    iOS and OS X : massive changes to how iCloud work

    Of course, they could just rename 1Password 4 for Windows to 1Password 5 without making any major changes. It's just a number, after all. But my guess is that they will de-emphasize the version numbers in marketing. That's what most cross plattform services do.

  • Peter_Pappas
    Community Member
    edited September 2014

    I was under the impression there is a new version coming but is built on some platform different from the version 4.

    I remember reading that info someplace in these forums before. The conversation went something to the effect that this or that could not be done on the current platform and would be done on the new one. As to the timing, I don't it was ever mentioned.


  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    Given that we jumped straight from 1Password 1 for Windows (because it was the initial release) to 1Password 4 for Windows (because it so closely matches the features of 1Password 4 for Mac), I don't see us simply relabeling the current version.

    I've heard of no plans to create a version 5 any time soon. Work continues apace, as always, on making 1Password 4 for Windows the best utility it can be.

  • mrx9
    Community Member

    Can you clarify @DBrown‌ please? There are different categories in 1Password 5 that are not available in 1Password 4, such as Passport. Will the windows version be extended to manage these categories?

  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    There are different categories in 1Password 5 that are not available in 1Password 4, such as Passport.

    1Password 4 has a Passport category. It's just grouped under "Wallet" instead of being presented directly on the list.

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni

    On Windows, we have the exact same item types as on Mac, but some of them are grouped in Wallet and Accounts. That is all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    On Windows, we have the exact same item types as on Mac, but some of them are grouped in Wallet and Accounts. That is all.

    Well, a majority of the users probably see the deprecated categories like Generic account, IM and iTunes. Although I'm guessing the only old category that's close to being widely used is Generic account. They were removed for a reason, after all.

  • mrx9
    Community Member

    Thanks all for the comments; I would have seen this if I had tried to add a category on the Windows platform.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mrx9, I'm glad to hear that helps to clear up the confusion! If you need anything else, just let us know.

  • TimGuyKing
    Community Member

    Hi there. I have 1Password 5 beta on OS X Yosemite and 1Password 4 for Windows on Windows 7. The two don't talk to each other via my Dropbox synched keychain. I can't even use 5 to restore 4's data, because the backup format is different. They're not exactly compatible...

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2014

    Backup formats differ on each of the platforms for which we provide 1Password, because backup files are not intended for use in transferring 1Password data from one machine to another, much less machines running different OSes. (That's what export-import and syncing are for, depending on whether it's a one-time transfer or an ongoing need to share data among them.)

    That said, 1Password 5 for Mac and 1Password 4 for Windows are absolutely compatible, @TimGuyKing.

    In what way are they "not talking to each other"?

  • Jables
    Community Member

    I don't really need anything more out of 1Password 4 for Windows, but I really wish it was as pretty as the OS X client. I use them both regularly, and the Windows version is a bummer to look at now relative to the shiny new 1Password 5.

  • TimGuyKing
    Community Member

    @DBrown Never mind, I was being obtuse. I had a second unnoticed keychain in another level of my Dropbox which was being detected by the mac version and the Windows version was getting the keychain from a folder level deeper. It had nothing to do with compatibility. My humblies.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    :D No problem, @TimGuyKing! Thanks for the follow-up.

  • DBrown
    1Password Alumni

    @Jables, among the many reasons why 1Password 4 for Windows looks different from 1Password 5 for Mac:

    • 1Password 4 for Windows is version 4, whereas 1Password 5 for Mac is version 5.

    • 1Password 4 for Windows has to run and "look right" in very different–looking versions of Windows, whereas 1Password 5 for Mac runs only in the latest version of OS X.

    • 1Password 4 for Windows and 1Password 5 for Mac are developed separately and released on independent cycles.

    We'll continue enhancing 1Password on all the supported platforms, but it's unlikely that it'll ever look exactly the same on all those very different–looking operating systems.

    Thank you for letting us know your preference for the 1Password 5 for Mac UI, though—we love it, too!

  • Keifer
    Community Member

    @svondutch - why would you group them any differently on the Windows version? Causes confusion to the user unnecessarily.

    Also, what's up with the lackluster UI in the Windows version of 1Password? To be honest it kinda sucks compared the beauty, elegance, and simplicity of the Mac 1Password client. I would guess that many on your team avidly use Macs, but there are so many of us that have to use Windows machines for work - the Windows 1Password UI needs a ton of TLC. Lastly, (related to both of the former points above), I believe you should strive for UI and feature parity on all platforms to make the experience more enjoyable for all customers using your software and services. I realize that it takes a lot of $$$ and time to re-design the UI and code, but I'd consider it a worthwhile investment to attract more customers in different platforms.

    Oh and what's up with the Windows mobile version of 1Password? Seems like a joke. No insult intended, but you guys' gotta know that it sucks, right? Have you actually used it? I realize that only a small % of your customer base is on Windows Phone, but I see this growing ever so slightly in the future. Again - feature parity. It's the strategy Microsoft and Google are taking to pave the way for the future. Instead of focusing on proprietary platforms (or even giving preferential treatment to 1 platform in terms of development or design resources, as you have with the iOS and Mac clients of 1Password), they seek to offer their software and services on multiple platforms - and not just cheap copies, but fully featured, nearly indistinguishable from their 'flagship' counterparts. It's really quite wonderful what MS has done for Office.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Keifer: I agree. This is something we are looking at changing in the future, to make the experience more consistent. :+1:

    1Password 4 for Windows was developed to closely match 1Password 4 for Mac. However, 1Password 5 for Mac has since made significant changes, many of which have been incorporated into 1Password 4 for Windows, but a more elaborate redesign is something that will likely have to wait until the next major version -- and who knows when (or what number) that will be. ;)

    As for the UI, that kind of goes back to my point above: 1Password 4 for Windows is nearly identical to 1Password 4 for Mac, apart from the OS-specific widgets and the lack of high-DPI support (which, unlike OS X, apps don't get for free on Windows). Strangely, I've never noticed people calling the Mac version ugly. But in all seriousness, the UI is something that will be revisited in the future, especially as it relates to features being added or updated.

    Windows Mobile, on the other hand, is actually an entirely different platform. We've had a read-only app for that, but we're working on our new Windows Modern (The Artist Formerly Known As 'Metro') app which -- provided Microsoft doesn't One-Eighty on us -- should be supported across Windows devices of all shapes and sizes (figuratively speaking), including phones, tablets, and computers. It's still in it's infancy, but we'd love to have you give the alpha a spin if you're feeling adventurous!

    Thanks for the feedback. I hope this helps! :)

  • svondutch
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2015

    Why would you group them any differently on the Windows version?

    @Keifer you can turn OFF the Wallet and Accounts groups here:

    View > Wallet
    View > Accounts

    Also, what's up with the lackluster UI in the Windows version of 1Password? To be honest it kinda sucks compared the beauty, elegance, and simplicity of the Mac 1Password client

    1Password 4 for Windows looks very identical to 1Password 4 for Mac:

    1Password 5 for Mac is mostly a cosmetic update, matching the flattened UI style of Yosemite. Obviously Windows does not follow the Yosemite design.

    Oh and what's up with the Windows mobile version of 1Password? Seems like a joke.

    Correct, our version for Windows phone is very outdated. We're working on a modern version.

  • Keifer
    Community Member
    edited April 2015

    1Password 4 for Windows looks very identical to 1Password 4 for Mac:

    If you seriously think that the words 'very identical' accurately describe the UX parity of the Windows and Mac clients, then I think you need a pair of eyeglasses. Take a look at the major differences I've found below:

    1Password 5 for Mac is mostly a cosmetic update, matching the flattened UI style of Yosemite. Obviously Windows does not follow the Yosemite design.

    Why can't you use UI elements in the Windows version that are more 'flat'? Maybe I just have high standards, but as a UX designer and customer, I think it's good to have high standards. However, I still don't see anything standing in your way of replicating the look and feel of the Mac UX 1Password client on the Windows version - pixel for pixel & icon for icon by using custom UI elements and graphics. Would be nice to fix that 'rich icon' sync between versions, too.

    New4.png 301.8K
  • RichardPayne
    Community Member

    Windows client less flat and more cluttered.

    You highlighted the Window bar. This is a difference between Windows and OSX. Windows does not expect user control elements to be positioned on the title bar. There are ways of doing it but it is certainly not the standard.

    These buttons are nicely hidden in preferences in the Mac version.

    Why on Earth would you want to hide Auto-Type (which I don't think even exists on the Mac) and New Item in Preferences. That makes no sense; you want those items handy. Auto-Type I could see being moved to the button bar at the top right of the display panel (bottom right of the window) since it applies to the currently selected item but the rest belong on the toolbar.

    Notice how the rich icons from my Mac client don't properly sync.

    If that were a bug then it still wouldn't be an indictment of the design, it would just be a bug. It is not a bug though, just a misunderstanding on your part. Rich icons are not stored in the keychain and are therefore not sync'd.
    Use the File > Download Rich Icons... option.

    Notice these two buttons vs. the simple '+' icon the Mac version

    Which '+' icon? The one stuck under the item display panel? If so then that seems completely misplaced to me as has nothing to do with the item being displayed. If it's not that button then I have no idea which "+ icon" you're talking about.

    However, I still don't see anything standing in your way of replicating the look and feel of the Mac UX 1Password client on the Windows version

    Because the vast majority of Windows users are not also Mac users. Why would you expect a Windows program to look exactly like a Mac program?

  • MikeT
    edited April 2015

    Hi @Keifer,

    Stefan is talking about feature parity or identical feature sets, the features you expect from the Mac version do show up in the Windows version. We are not going to change the UI to look like a Mac app, the Windows UI will remain native to the Windows platform, and we will keep improving the UI but it will remain Windows.

    We have in fact tried to simplify the interface to hide some elements and the feedback we've gotten was that we're "hiding" too much from many Windows users. So, we're not going to do this but we can try to improve the feeling of it and we will do this.

    As for the differences you pointed out:

    1. The [Add][Delete] buttons allows you to clearly add or remove folders. We've gotten feedback from Mac users where they don't know how to create/remove folders. We didn't get such feedback on Windows. In the future, we're more likely to change this in the Mac app to add these buttons.
    2. The icons on the Windows toolbar is meant to give you quick access to important features. We've actually gotten feedback from Mac users that it was difficult to figure out how to do some of these actions, the + button was easy to miss on the bottom and the lock button was not visible on top right. That's why we keep changing to improve the visibility of it.
    3. Hiding the title bar is very un-Windows like, it allows you to drag the window around without any issues. Even Firefox and Chrome doesn't do this for their Windows applications despite having a thinner title bar on OS X.
    4. The details view is something we can work on improving but we're not hiding these icons by default. In fact, we've gotten feedback from Mac users that do not understand how to reveal their concealed passwords and it works great here on Windows to click the icon to reveal it.

    I hope this helps!

  • Keifer
    Community Member

    Maybe I'm the only one but I find 1Password for Mac much more intuitive, fully functional, and pleasurable to use. Please don't make it more like the Windows client. There's such a thing as 'over-engineering' something.

  • MikeT
    edited April 2015

    Hi @Keifer,

    Please don't make it more like the Windows client. There's such a thing as 'over-engineering' something.

    We have zero intentions of doing that just as we have zero intentions of turning the Windows app into a Mac app. However, we do have to make the app functional for both platforms as much as we can. If users are not finding anything, that's a failure on our part, and we need to work on it.

    That is why each 1Password version (almost all) is native to its platform and not a Mac app ported to different platforms, which would be difficult to maintain. Windows users would find things easier and more intuitive when they're using the Windows app just as Mac users would do so with the Mac app.

    Unfortunately, users that use both platforms daily will have a hard time because they really are different experiences built for the specific platform.

    In fact, we're working on a Windows Modern app that will not be the same as the Windows desktop application version but it will fit the Modern UI experience/platform. For Surface (non-Pro) and tablet users, they'll find this app more intuitive to use than the desktop application, assuming they understand the sandboxing restrictions of Modern apps. Note it'll be a universal app and runs on Windows Phone as well as the tablets/convertibles.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    If you seriously think that the words 'very identical' accurately describe the UX parity of the Windows and Mac clients, then I think you need a pair of eyeglasses. Take a look at the major differences I've found below:

    @Keifer: Personally disparaging remarks aside (try to keep it classy, please!) you're comparing the 1Password 4 for Windows graphical UI to 1Password 5 for Mac. This is, literally, and on so many levels, an Apple's and oranges comparison. ;)

    However, I still don't see anything standing in your way of replicating the look and feel of the Mac UX 1Password client on the Windows version - pixel for pixel & icon for icon by using custom UI elements and graphics.

    I really can't get behind this. Technically, there is nothing standing in our way. But pixel-for-pixel design in an age of such wide-ranging form factors and screen sizes is just not going to fly. We don't want to build a design going forward based on the box we want to fit 1Password in.

    Why can't you use UI elements in the Windows version that are more 'flat'?

    This is really pretty subjective, and a matter of personal preference. Windows 10 is going more in the 'flat' direction, so this may be something we change in the future. But right now the 'flat' versions of Windows are still very much in the minority.

    Maybe I'm the only one but I find 1Password for Mac much more intuitive, fully functional, and pleasurable to use.

    You're certainly not the only one! But as MikeT mentioned, it is important to keep in mind that most Windows users are Windows users first and then Mac users second, if at all.

    There's such a thing as 'over-engineering' something.

    Interestingly the state of the 1Password for Windows UI which you are lamenting is due to us prioritizing the engineering of the functionality of the app, rather than just 'how it looks'. I think anyone who's used the beta channel for any length of time could vouch for the fact that it is rock solid. It's more like having a 'behind-the-scenes' look at 1Password than it is testing pre-release software, and that has always amazed me. :)

    We absolutely appreciate your passionate feedback, but in the future be sure to keep it respectful; and simply saying, "No insult intended," preceding an insult doesn't count, I don't think. :unamused:

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